Sunday, September 29, 2013

Emory's 2-Week Check-Up

This past Friday I took Emory for her two week check-up.  With Brynn, Dr. Hoffman saw us in the hospital so we didn't see him until she was two weeks old.  Now, a hospitalist sees the babies in the hospitals, and we had to go when she was about three days old.  Then we had to make another appointment for two weeks.

Emory weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. when she was born, and was at 6 lbs. 15 oz. when we left the hospital.  At the three day appointment she was back up to 7 lbs. 3 oz.  They wanted her to regain her birth weight by the two week appointment.  She weighed 8 lbs. even at the check-up, YAY!

Here are the stats from her visit -

Weight - 8 lbs. - 41%
Height - 21.5 inches - 91% (up from 19.5 inches at birth...I asked him "is that even possible to grow two inches in two weeks?  He said yes??)
Head Circumference - 54%

All ready to get checked out...this was from her three day appointment.
Two week check-up - Poor thing was starving and they were trying to get her check-up in really quick!
I knew she would be ready to nurse just about the time we had her appointment, but they acted like they would be in and out super quick, so if we could just hold her off for a second they wanted to try to get her in and done.  They are usually really quick, but of course this time it seemed like it took forever.  Thankfully, she took this little paci and just sucked like a champ while he was checking her!

Some special notes from the appointment -

  • So she has this bright read mark on her right arm (about the size of a pencil eraser).  He said it's probably a strawberry angioma and will grow until maybe six months.  At that point it will probably stop growing, but will be a permanent birthmark.  He said when she gets a lot older she may want to have it removed!  HA!
  • Her eyelids are still pretty red, and he said that was a birthmark too!  Except he said those should fade by the time she's about twelve months.
  • He said she could start taking a bottle...anywhere from about two to four a week.  YAY!  I love nursing her, but it is SO NICE knowing I can be gone for a feeding.  (She's had two bottles since then and she has done really well!  Praise the Lord!)
  • He said we can let her go at night and don't have to wake her to nurse...yay!  I've been nursing about ten at night, and she's in bed by around 11.  She's been sleeping until about three, and then nursing again.  Then we've been waking her around 7 to start the day.  KEEP IT UP EMORY!
  • He put special medicine in her little belly button to help it dry up...the cord fell off really early, but it was still kind of oozing.  
  • She sees him again at two months, and he said by then she should be smiling, cooing, and tracking with her eyes.  I can't wait to see those pretty smiles!

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