Sunday, September 8, 2013

38 Weeks!!!

Sunday meant that little Miss Emory and I are at 38 weeks!  WOW!

On Friday I had a routine weekly appointment.  The exciting news was that I was dilated to a 3 and I'm 90 percent effaced!  I really feel like that means I could go ANY time, but I'll probably be one of those people who stay that way past my due date!  HA!  My water broke on its own with Brynn (five days early) so I'm really hoping the same thing happens this time!  (I just don't want it to break at Wal-Mart or church or something like that!)

At my appointment my blood pressure was like 130/high 80's and they've been watching it pretty close because last time I tended to get higher blood pressure toward the end.  I 100 percent think it's just because I get "white coat" syndrome (you know where you get anxious at the doctor) and even before having kids my blood pressure would be high when I went for an appointment.  All that to say, they felt like it was slightly elevated at the appointment (duh, I'm getting ready to have a baby, you are getting ready to stick your hands up my va-jay-jay and "check me", etc.!)  The fact that it was just 130 I felt like was really good for me!  HA!  But because they felt like my BP was up I had to get blood work done and repeat a 24-hour urine "collection" over the weekend...FUN FUN!  (No joke...every single time I had to pee I had to keep it in a big brown jug in my refrigerator!) I'm sure the lab tech who gets to analyze all my pee will be wishing they had a different job!   

At the end of the appointment my OB offered to induce me at 39 weeks, which would be this coming Sunday.  I said "WHAT???"  She started laughing and said "I didn't mean to freak you out, just offering.  You can totally say no if you don't want to."  She said she wouldn't have offered if my body wasn't progressing so much on it's own, but since I'm a 3 and 90 percent she wanted to give me the option.  It's NOT that I'm not ready to have this baby, but my gut just really leans toward waiting until it happens naturally (not that I won't mind being induced if I go much over my due date!)  But since my water broke naturally with Brynn, and things went really smoothly by letting it happen on it's own, I think that's what I want to do again.  And since both of our families are in town, we know they will be able to come to the hospital anytime.  It's not like we have to plan for people coming out of town, which is one reason I can totally see why people choose to induce.  Ryan 100 percent agreed with waiting until it happens on its own, which made me feel much better.  My cousin said "I am so surprised that as much of a planner and organizer as you are you don't want to know ahead of time."  But for some reason I LIKE the fact that I don't know.  I think it's exciting to wonder "when will it happen??"  I also think that if I knew exactly when it was going to happen, that I would spend the last few days before baby just going through that sad phase of knowing they were my last days alone with Brynn.  This way I think I'll just be excited that Emory is here and I won't really have time to "grieve" Brynn's last days of being an only child??

I really have NO IDEA why I've been writing so much on here, but I can assure you with Emory on the way, future blog posts will be a LOT less writing and just more pictures.  And with all that said, here are some pics from Week 38.  I think at this point Emory has approximately 5 belly pictures, to about the 35 that Brynn had!  =)

I had just gotten up from a nap...I'm going to blame my hair and makeup on that.  =)

Brynn wanted to get in on the "hand on the hip" pose!

Yeah, I have some really cute stretch marks on the old belly!
 After naps, we cleaned the infant car-seat really well and installed the base in my car.  Brynn even put one of her babies in it and wanted us to put it in the car when we went over to my parents house for supper!  HA!

Please continue to pray for us in these last couple of weeks!  We can't wait to meet Emory!

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