Friday, September 27, 2013

A Visit From Lindsey and Curt

This past weekend my sister and her husband Curt were able to come to town to see Emory!!  Lindsey had to work last weekend when Emory was born, and we figured it would be pointless for her to drive all the way here for just the Sunday we were in the hospital because she would be here for less than 24 hours.  It worked out so much better for them to come in this past weekend because we were able to see them and hang out so much more!  I pretty much stole all these pictures from her blog because I didn't have my camera with me at all.

Curt had seriously just said "Brynn do you want to be my girlfriend?"
And this is what she did!
Eating M & M's and being silly!
And on a random "M & M" note...somebody who will remain nameless (cough cough MY MOM) keeps lots of candy in her house.  I think the first words out of Brynn's mouth all weekend when we went to my parents was "Can I have candy please?"  HA!

We played downstairs with all our old dance recital costumes and Brynn was getting in to it.  I don't think we took a picture of this black outfit but she seriously wore it all afternoon at my mom's and even wore it for her nap!  HA!

Ping-Pong is always a big thing at my parents house...Lindsey and Curt are pretty competitive, but they took some time out to attempt to teach Brynn how to hit it.  I think she hit it with her body parts more than the racket, but it was so fun to watch!

One of the best parts of the weekend was when the girls got to enjoy the AMAZING fall weather and take a walk.  I had just finished nursing and Emory was down for a nap.  Ryan and Curt kept an eye on Emory and the "big girls" drove to Touchdown Estates (where our lot is) and parked the car and walked around.  It was (as my mom would say) GLORIOUS!

Sunday afternoon we went back over to my parents for lunch...the weather was AWESOME again and we enjoyed eating outside and playing in their backyard.  It has been so hard having to stay cooped up these past several days because Emory isn't supposed to be out for about two weeks and it has coincided with some of the most amazing weather ever!  So we had that monitor on and were ALL outside enjoying the beautiful fall sunshine!

With Emory here, we have been trying to give Brynn LOTS of attention (and truthfully with a newborn who sleeps most of the day, it hasn't been too hard to do that).  But this weekend she was pretty spoiled with her sweet aunt and uncle who got to spend lots of time with her!  I am so glad they were able to come visit and for us all to hang out!

And really random...but since this post is about this weekend I guess I'll write it here.  I know this is going to sound funny (or lame to some of you!  HA!) but one of the most fun things we've done over the last few days is take drives.  HA!  I seriously think we will look back on this time and smile over these precious little memories.  Like I said, the weather has been AMAZING and since we aren't really supposed to get Emory out (you better believe as soon as the pediatrician gives the green light we are going to be taking multiple walks a day! HA!) we've been taking family drives so we can get out.  If Emory is sleeping in her crib we just scoop her out and pop her in the car seat.  We put a movie on for Brynn and head out.  We've gone through the drive through and all eaten while we drive around and look at houses or eaten snacks in the car and just visited.  Oh the life of having a newborn...gotta love it!

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