Sunday, June 30, 2013

Brynn's Funnies - June Edition

  • I have no idea where she picked this up, but she's been saying "I'm so excited!"  The funny part is that she MEANS "I'm so excited" but she SAYS "I so much-cited!  I so much-cited!"  At first I couldn't figure out what she was saying and then I said "oh...are you saying you are so excited?"  She says "yeah, I so much-cited!"
  • We were at Aldi's and you have to put a quarter in the grocery cart.  When you put the cart away your money pops back out.  The other day we were getting ready to put our cart away when a lady walked up.  (A lot of times people just give their cart to someone walking up and then that person gives them the quarter they would have put in the cart...if that makes sense.  It just is less hassle than having to hook your cart back up and get your money out.)  So I asked the lady if she wanted our cart.  As she takes the cart from us I guess Brynn was "worried' we weren't getting our quarter back.  So Brynn looks right at the lady, holds her hand out and says "I need my money!"  AHHHHH!  The lady started laughing and said "you've taught her well!"  And I could have died!  HA!
  • Brynn's prayers have gotten much more complex and have started making so much more sense just in the last few days.  Tonight Ryan and I were trying so hard not to let her see us laugh, but it was hilarious.  Before bed, we always read for about ten minutes and then we say a prayer together...the "now I lay me down to sleep" prayer.  Then I say a quick prayer, Ryan says a quick prayer, and then we let Brynn pray.  For a long time she would just speak jibberish...which was weird because you can pretty much have a "conversation" with her any other time, but when she would pray it would be jargon-sounding.  So we would try to get her to repeat after us..."thank you God for mommy, thank you for Daddy, thank you for my food, thank you for our house, thank you for getting to play outside today, etc."  So the last few days she has really been saying it on her own.  She will say "dear God, thank you for _____, thank you for _____, etc.  Tonight she said "thank you God for Jesus (it always sounds more like "cu-cu God for"), which was so sweet.  But before I had time to really dwell on how special that was, she then thanked God for Cookie Monster, Abbey, and Elmo, and then pulled up Ryan's shirt and said "thank you God for Daddy's bebo (that's what she calls a belly button)...Ryan and I lost it!  It was hilarious.  Then she saw us laughing and opening our eyes so she said "close eyes mommy."  HA!  Then she proceeded to thank God that she goes pee pee in the potty and "no poo poo in my panties."  OH MY!  She is just at such a funny funny stage!
  • She is so big into saying "poo poo" these days...I am ready for that to be over.  The other day I was cleaning out her ears and I showed her the end of the q-tip  (it has some yellow wax on it).  She goes "yuck...I got poo poo in my ears!"
  • This isn't funny, but it's definitely a stage she is going through.  She LOVES to say "I no want to."  I hope that doesn't last forever.  She usually doesn't like to get her teeth brushed (sorry Brynn, but that's going to happen!), so she always says "I no want to!"  AHHH!  That phrase is a killer!
  • She is big into talking on the phone...she picks up pretend phones and has major conversations on them.  The other day she said she was talking to Minnie Mouse and she was saying "Hello? Anybody der?  You got toys?  No?  OH MAN!"  It was so funny to listen to!  
  • This happened the other day...I was so surprised (and a little frustrated!) because she rarely draws on anything other than regular paper or a coloring book and SHE KNOWS BETTER!  I came out and she had drawn in ink pen ALL OVER the coffee table/storage thing!  When I asked her what happened she started bawling.  I had no idea what to do, but I finally googled it and rubbing alcohol took it off easily, praise the Lord!
You can kind of see what it looked like before and after the cleaning...I was able to get it all off.
Who knew that rubbing alcohol could clean that off?

Don't get me wrong...she can have moments, but age two hasn't been too bad yet.  (I know I shouldn't say that...this next week will be terrible!  HA!)  She has such a funny spunky little personality and I just find myself falling more and more in love with her everyday, ink pen stains on the furniture and ALL!

1 comment:

  1. The Aldi story is great!! We just recently started shopping there and Isaac also gets concerned about the quarter if we trade carts with a person. Too funny.

    I loved the age of two - didn't think it was "terrible" at all. I'm glad you are liking it too!
