Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Birthday Saturday

On Saturday, Ryan had a course at work all day, so Brynn and I hung out and partied with Wyatt as he turned 3!  He had a little party at LeBounce and Brynn had lots of fun eating cupcakes and jumping around!

Brynn and Wyatt's little sister, Sloane.

Frankie and the birthday boy...

Wyatt and his sweet family.q

After the party, Brynn and I worked on a few Father's Day cards and things, and then took naps, and by that time Ryan was home.  Then we all got ready...Ryan and I for a fun birthday night out with friends, and Brynn got ready to head to Grandma and Grandpa's house!

One of Brynn's besties got to hang out with her all evening at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
This was one of the pictures that my parents texted us...Cinderella and Rapunzel hanging out!

So as a fun birthday treat, we got to go out (without kids!) for an evening out on the town with some of our closest friends.  We hit up Barnes and Nobel (and Jennilee and I headed to Victoria's Secret to check out the big semi-annual sale!), then we headed to dinner at Bella Italia, frozen yogurt at Simply Swirled, and even finished with Starbucks!  BIG THANKS to my parents for watching Brynn, and Brad and Jennilee's girls Millie and Lyla so that we could all go out and have a GREAT NIGHT!!

Brad and Jennilee

It was a GREAT evening with great conversation and lots of laughs!  (At one point, my husband had 26 cents left on a giftcard to Simply Swirled, so after yogurt he went through the line to see how many Sour Patch kids he could buy with his 26 cents...clearly we were enjoying our evening!  HA!)

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