Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Dr. Jenkins Graduates from Pharmacy School!

This past weekend we headed to Nashville for a quick 24-hour trip.  My brother-in-law Curt was graduating from pharmacy school and we went to celebrate!  

I made some "pharmacy" cookies!
 Curt's sister Amanda has two kids and we couldn't wait for Brynn and Mollie to meet.  Mollie is only about 6 months older than Brynn and they really hit it off!

We left on Friday during the girls naps, and when we got there it was time for supper.  We had reservations at a cool seafood place in Franklin.  YUM!

Then we headed back to the hotel where everyone was staying.  We hung out in one of the rooms and visited, ate cookies, and watched the kids play.

My Dad, Curt, and Curt's dad Mike...they were having fun with E.

The next morning we got up and loaded up our stuff and then headed to Lipscomb for the ceremony.

I tried to take a picture of the girls in their matching dresses, but it didn't work out too well...HA!

Brynn and Mollie did really well watching!

These pictures aren't the greatest, but it is when Curt was "hooded".

Did I mention that Brynn and Mollie did so well during the whole graduation...these headphones and "Netflix" on my sister's phone might have helped...HA!

I took Emory to nurse and when I was standing around at the top of the arena watching, this random man came up to me and said "you guys look so nice, do you want me to use your phone to take a picture of you?"  Kind of nice and kind of weird at the same time...here's the picture he took.

During the "hooding" or some other part of the ceremony I look over and my mom is crying, Curt's mom is crying, and I think his dad might have even been crying too!  HA!  We were laughing at them, but in all seriousness, I know they were just so proud of how hard he has worked to get to this point.  CONGRATS CURT!

May I present, Dr. Curt Jenkins!  WOOHOO!  (And let me tell you how pumped he was to take all these pictures...NOT!)

Curt's amazing grandma, Betty.  She is just SO MUCH FUN!  I have LOVED LOVED LOVED getting to know his mom (and dad), sisters, and grandma since they started dating several years ago!  It's like having a whole other extended family!

Brynn really liked Curt's "silly hat."

We all headed to "Five Guys" for burgers before everyone headed home.   It was a really quick trip, but so glad we were able to celebrate with everyone.  GREAT JOB CURT!  

1 comment:

  1. It was such a good time. We are so blessed because I have never seen "in-laws" hit it off like we all have. There is just a bond there that can't be explained. Love you guys and looking forward to lots more good times, but as I told Ryan, I could NEVER keep up with the Bandermanns. They are just too busy
