Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Oh What a Night

The other night (actually it was a couple of weeks ago before Curt's graduation) was just out of was one of those nights where you drop everything you are cooking on the floor/everything goes wrong kind of nights.

After I dropped some of the food on the floor, we were waiting for Ryan to get home when I found a SPIDER WEB on our entertainment center...can you see it??  

Both of the girls had colds (Emory's turned into an ear infection, which is thankfully GONE!) Both of them were sneezing all over the place...gross.  And I already felt like I needed to deep clean the house.  I turn around and saw this...

Yeah, that was SNOT on her chin.  You can't really tell from this next picture, but after feeding Emory she spit up ALL over me and my shirt.  Her face was covered in snotty food, etc.

It was just a funny moment...I was so almost so grossed out, annoyed, overwhelmed by everything going on, etc. that it just turned FUNNY.  Ryan and I were singing funny songs and I just thought "THANK YOU GOD for someone to share this crazy life with.

Sometimes our life is peaceful, sometimes it's hilarious and chaotic.  There are moments where Brynn is so sweet and listens so well and I start thinking maybe I've got this parenting thing figured out.  Then we have moments where she wants to take 10 minutes to pick out her clothes and she's crying because I won't let her wear her purple sparkly gymnastics shorts and her light-up Cinderella shoes to the store.  Or she stuffs something up her shirt and tells her Sunday School teacher she has "big boobies just like you!"  (TRUE STORY FROM LAST WEEK!!!)  And I realize this parenting thing is way harder than I thought...but also way better and more wonderful than I thought.

And I have no idea why I took this next picture?  The messy table? I made stuffed peppers with quinoa, and they turned out really good (in the midst of our craziness) so maybe that's why I took the picture??

Our floor is constantly covered with stuff when dinner is over...we really need a dog to help with that!  HA!

 So after I said to Ryan, "man, these floors are so gross, we've got to clean them!"  we keep  chatting and are feeding Emory.  We turn around and Brynn has dumped the entire bottle of Dawn on the floor by the cheerios and is "cleaning them up for you guys!"  I don't know WHY we didn't take a picture of that, but oh my word it was a mess.  But how do you get aggrevated at her for trying to help!

So what did we do?  Clean it all up and have a little dance party!

And rip our hair out...

Yep, these are the BEST DAYS OF OUR LIFE!

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