Friday, May 9, 2014

Totally Randoms... is CHARGING by!  Between our trip to DC and two trips to Nashville and starting to make cookies for people on a regular basis, plus still working and helping teach the Pre-K class at our church preschool, I feel like life is whooshing by!  

Here are some random pictures of life around here...

I helped with the children's musical at church (just the drama, not the singing, obviously!) and Ryan brought the girls up to watch it.  Brynn was wearing an interesting little ensemble...

We had A LOT of rain a week or so ago, and Jason and Sarah had MAJOR basement flooding.  We headed over there one night to help and Ansley taught Brynn how to shoot her "Merida" bow and arrow...hilarious!

Brynn's class at school made some cute little hats...

I'm helping teach the Pre-K class at church (because the lead teacher needed to take a full time job with benefits and her new job wouldn't let her stay at her Pre-K job through the end of the year).  I am really enjoying it...kind of feels like I'm back teaching kindergarten again.  We spent a week learning about the life cycle of the butterfly and made this edible creation...

We've made a couple trips to the library...Brynn loves this statue outside the library and wants to sit by them every time we leave.  She told me she was going to call the boy "Rodger" and the girl "Hayley."  I was so baffled about who "Rodger" was until I realized she had "named" them after her Sunday School teachers at church.  HA!

Cookie baking has been in full swing...

The girls have enjoyed taking walks in the double jogging stroller.

The DUGGAR'S came to our church!  We really like watching their TV show and their whole family came to our church last Sunday night.  The kids played instruments and recited some verses, and then Michelle and Jim Bob spoke.  It was really really good, especially hearing Michelle talk about young motherhood and the early years of parenting.  There wasn't childcare for the service (which was sold out and our church was CRAZY full) so we missed some of it.  The girls did so well for the first hour or so, but then we were kind of in and out with them.  I hung out with some of my friends who were out with their kids.  It was a really cool night and we even got them to sign a book and met them afterward!  They were SO nice!

Brynn has really been into eating outside lately, so sometimes for lunch we will take our food outside and have little picnics, followed by lots of swinging.  Sometimes Brynn decides she's going to do the pushing!

We stopped by Grandma and Grandpa's after school one day to drop something off.  Grandpa had just finished mowing and Brynn convinced him to swing with her.  (I don't think that took much convincing).  They were being super silly!

We are loving this CRAZY LIFE!

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