Friday, May 30, 2014


Dumping my iPhone pictures on the blog...

Brynn has been learning to ride her bike lately...I say learning because she has a ways to go.  Anytime the "incline" of a street is like .005 percent she says "HELP ME!  Hold my hand I'm going to go too fast!" 

While she's riding, Emory and I usually look like this...

We've been soaking up the weather and playing outside a lot!

And Emory LOVES to swing...actually, what doesn't she love to do?  HA!  She usually has this HUGE smile plastered on her face the ENTIRE time she's swinging!

A couple of weeks ago on the last day of school we had a BBQ for all the kids and families over lunch.  Here is Brynn and one of her best buddies from school.

Brynn always wants Emory to sleep with her, so sometimes in the morning I'll let Emory lay in there for a second while Brynn is getting up.

I forgot to show these Ninja Turtle cookies...I don't want to LOOK at another Ninja Turtle for a long time!  HA!  Those were a little time-consuming!

We are in the midst of a billion decisions regarding the house.  I have looked at light fixtures more times than I care to count...and I STILL DON'T KNOW!

If the weather is nice, we spend almost every evening walking or taking a wagon ride to the school playground or park near our house.  These two LOVE the wagon rides!

We are THIS CLOSE to getting our house "under roof."  I'll show pictures soon.

We ate at Saffron last Friday night to help celebrate Uncle Jason's birthday.  Brynn didn't really like my sushi, but she loved everything else.  She loved her Saffron toast and was eating her chicken satay like it was going out of style, and she was even using the cucumber relish as "soup!"  I am so glad she likes so many different foods...I was joking my mom because as we all know, she grew up eating "meat and potatoes" and she doesn't like any Asian-type Chinese, Thai, etc.  But my dad and my sister and I all love it, so I sent her these pictures and said "sure am glad she didn't inherit her eating habits from Grandma!"  HA!

And what is sweeter than a baby after bath time?? NOTHING!

And seeing her little "strawberry" on her arm...I just don't want to forget this funny little moment so I'm writing it down.  People are noticing it a lot lately and I couldn't figure out why people were just now noticing it so much in the last couple of months...well, DUH, I realized it was because she was born in September and so she wore long-sleeves for the whole winter and just since around April has the weather been nice enough to wear short sleeves.  Well anyway, little kids have been asking about it a lot.  Most of the time they will say "what's that on her arm?"  I just try to explain that it's a birth mark.  Well the other day we were eating at Chick Fil A with Kelly and Camden and Paxton, and Camden looked at it and said "Miss Whitney, does she have a fruit snack stuck on her arm?"  HAHAHAHAHA!  I could NOT stop laughing!  It is just hilarious how kids perceive the world.  It was TOO CUTE!

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