Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Emory - 7 Months

Sweet little Emory is 7 MONTHS OLD! (I wrote this two weeks ago...I'm just now getting the pictures up...whoops!)

"Can you believe I'm 7 months old guys???"

  • I haven't weighed or measured her, but she is in size 3 diapers.  Most clothes are 6-9 months, but she can wear some 9-12 month stuff.
  • She is nursing 4 times a the morning around 7:30, then around 11:30, after nap around 4:00 or 4:30, and then again before bed at 8:30.  She is having solids for breakfast (cereal and fruit), lunch (veggie and fruit), and supper (meat, veggies, and cereal).  
  • Dr. Hoffman said she could start eating puffs, melts, and cheerios at 7 months, so we let her start trying those (a few days earlier than 7 months...ha!) and she LOVES it.  She sits at the high chair and loves trying to feed herself.  
  • About a week before she turned 7 months she kind of dropped that last catnap.  She normally always goes right to sleep, and she just laid there for probably fifteen minutes making little noises, and then cried for awhile and we just decided, forget it.  She did okay without her last little nap and we haven't looked back since.  We just let her sleep a little longer in the mornings, and pushed back her morning and afternoon naps to about 10 and 2 and it's gone great.  It is really nice being able to do stuff in the evenings and not have to think about her needing another little nap.
  • Sleep - She takes a morning nap at about 9:45 or 10 and I usually wake her up after an hour or an hour and a half.  I think she'd sleep forever at this nap, but I know the days she gets a long morning nap, she only naps about an hour and a half in the afternoons.  The days we are out and about and she just gets a 45 minute car nap, she naps two and a half+ hours in the afternoon.  Since Brynn still takes a good afternoon nap too, I'd much rather them both nap a long time together.  I usually put her down for an afternoon nap between 1:30 and 2.  And then I nurse at 8:30 and she's in bed before 9.  She usually wakes up around 7:30 and if she's not up by about 7:45 in the morning, then I get her up.  
  • She falls asleep nursing EVERY night.  Then after she nurses she will just lay there next to me and snuggle and I just watch her sleeping.  That is SUCH a special little time and I know that is what I'm going to miss probably more than anything as she gets bigger. (Insert ugly cry...HA!)
  • Super content and happy - in the words of my Dad "I think you could have 10 more babies (clearly that's not ever going to happen! HA!) and none of them would be as happy and content as she is!"  That about sums up her little personality.  She smiles and laughs a lot and is just the best little baby!
  • When I go out with both girls to the grocery or to a store, I almost always put her in the carrier.  She LOVES it (and of course it makes my life a lot easier)!
  • She is really becoming a little jabber-box.  She babbles "dadada" a lot.  
  • She sits SO WELL by herself now and loves to pick things up and grab at them.  She is army crawling and scooting herself around wherever she wants to go.

I just can't say enough what a sweet, precious little baby she is!  Oh are such a JOY to everyone and we love you more than you will ever know!

And here is Brynn at 7 months...doesn't she look so much older?  I think part of it is that I didn't put a headband in and her hair is "down"??

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