Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Felt Christmas Tree Project

Back in the summer I pinned a "felt Christmas tree" on Pinterest, so this week I decided it was time to attempt it.  I thought Brynn would like taking the ornaments on and off and I thought it would be fun for us to do together.  (And the teacher in me was thinking "what a great way to talk about colors and shapes and count...)  I LOVE projects, and I think she does too.  =)  I went to Hobby Lobby and bought 3/4 of a yard of green felt, and then a bunch of different sheets of colored felt.  All together I spent like $6 so I figured it was worth it, even if it didn't turn out right.  =)

I had so much fun cutting out the shapes....but I had to do it with Brynn crawling all over me. =)
You should have seen us...we were a crafting machine!  HA!
Then I realized I had a little problem...what was I going to put the felt tree on to give it some weight and so we could prop it up against a wall?  I NEVER thought of that part!  AHHH!  What's a girl to do?  Well...call her Dad of course!  I called up my dad and he said he had some old pieces of wood that would work.  We headed over and he helped us cut it out.  What a great dad!

Clearly, I should NOT have traced the felt exactly...I should traced it smaller, but oh well.  My dad helped me sand it
really well so hopefully we won't get splinters...HAHA!
We headed back home and before I could even take her coat off she was putting ornaments on.  SCORE!

Now...this fun lasted about five minutes and then she was on to the next activity...BUT we took it downstairs after dinner and she had fun showing Daddy how to put them on.  There were a few times that Ryan and I put all of the ornaments on and she pulled all of them off and said "no...no!"  We were trying not to laugh but it was really funny (I think you just had to hear her because clearly that story wasn't really funny.  LOL!)

Thanks Dad for helping us with this fun project!


  1. The wood backing is brilliant! I'll have to remember that for next year because hanging it on the wall did not work for us.

  2. What a good idea! She will enjoy it for a long time to come. Thank God Dale is able to do this!!
