Wednesday, May 23, 2012

14 months

We aren't taking our special monthly "onesie" pictures anymore, but I do want to keep writing "monthly" posts, because she is learning and doing so much and I just think this is the best way to record it. are some important milestones from month 14!
  • Still wearing size 3 diapers and 12-18 months clothes...several dresses are 18 month.
  • Now that school is out and we aren't waking up early, she goes to bed around 8:30 and usually wakes up between 7:30 and 8.  She is taking just an afternoon nap, usually from about 1-3.
  • She LOVES to eat and is really good about "praying" before we eat.  Even if we forget, she will clap her hands together in the highchair...thank you 14 month old, for reminding YOUR PARENTS to pray!  She eats pretty much EVERYTHING, although she isn't a huge milk drinker.  She likes to drink through her sippy cups with straws.
  •  She LOVES dogs, and ANYTIME we see one (no matter how tiny or how huge) she waves at it, makes noises, and tries to touch it.  She pretty much loves all animals, and loves watching birds, cats, squirrels, etc.  We NEED to take her to the zoo pronto!
  • I think she has Ryan's accident-prone genes...(or maybe it's just the "I'm not afraid of anything" genes).  She crawls up and down, tries to run around, etc.  She is always knocking into something...two nights ago she busted her eyebrow on the book shelf...ahhh!
  • She is really trying to say lots of new words.  She tries to repeat what we say, although it doesn't always sound exactly the same.  She tries to say "bubbles", "pamaw", "amen", etc.  She also says cracker a LOT!  "crakcow"  It is so cool hearing her trying to say things!
  • She knows exactly where things are in our house, my moms, and Pamaw's.  If she goes in and you say "let's go get the baby" she knows exactly where to get it, where to find the pretend bottles to feed her babies, etc.  She is also slightly obsessed with her toothbrush, and when we go to Pam's she walks in their bathroom and points to where the toothbrush is.  Then when we get the cup down she picks out HER toothbrush (out of the 4 in there!)  Stuff like that just blows my mind!
  • We are now at the stage where she gets things out and we find them other places (I remember reading Kristal and Emily talk about that and thought it was so funny).  She will put her shoes in the dirty clothes hamper and we find her crayons all over the place...
  • Her hair is getting longer and longer...after the bath when we are combing her hair we are like "whoa!"
  • She is also getting a little feistier...she knows what she wants!  If we leave the park and she still wants to swing or slide, she can throw a little fit.  Thankfully it hasn't been bad yet...according to Nonna "she will definitely NOT be a follower."  HA!  But I guess that's a good thing!
  • She is just such a fun little person!  She has such a spunky little personality and is almost always smiling and having a good time!  I can't wait to see what God has in store for her in the future...what a BLESSING!

Emily and Wyatt brought her over an easel and some whiteboard crayons and she has been having a BLAST (and not just on the whiteboard...on the entertainment center, on the floor, and on the coffee table...yes, we are going to have to move the easel downstairs I think!  HA!)  Here are some pictures I snapped...

Happy Wednesday's DUCK DYNASTY TIME so I better go!

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