Thursday, April 18, 2013


Last week Ryan's dad got tickets to the Cardinals second home game of the season.  His work had a suite, so Ryan, Jason, Rick, and our niece Ansley made the trip to St. Louis to enjoy the game.  Ryan said the view was AWESOME and they got tons of free food (so if you know Ryan, he was in heaven!  HA!)  Ryan took the camera and I told him I would blog his pics, IF he promised not to take a billion pictures of the field...which he is known to do! =)

I'd say they had pretty nice seats...=)

What a VIEW!

Jason and Ansley after the game...I can't believe she is almost FOUR!
 GO CARDS!  I can't wait to head up to a game sometime soon!  I"m hoping Rick gets some more tickets to the company suite!  HA!

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