Friday, June 27, 2014


The other night we headed out to the "new house" and Ryan took Brynn fishing!  First, we all went out to our backyard where we used to have a garden, and we dug around and found worms.  That was hilarious.  She kept saying "they're too wormy!"  Ryan would tell her to just touch one and she would say "I just wanna touch the ones that are asleep."  (aka not moving/wiggling!)

Then we headed out and they started fishing.  I don't know much about when are good times of the year/day to fish, but it must be around now because they were biting like CRAZY.  We would cast out the pole and within ONE minute they would have a bite and reel one in.  It was so fun to watch them and hear Brynn get so excited.  "GET IT DADDY!  THERE'S A FISH!"

She kept asking if we could scoop up the fish with this net.

The fish, Daddy, Brynn, and a pink princess fishing pole.  =)

Then as Brynn moved closer to me, you'd hear her shout "LOOK DADDY...A FISH!  GET IT DADDY!"

 Emory just got to watch from the carrier, but we had fun watching them and taking pictures.  It was such a fun little experience, and I can't wait until we can just walk down to the pond after supper and do this anytime!  Maybe Brynn will even touch a worm that's "awake."  HA!


  1. One of my favorite pictures of Curtis and Olivia is Curtis fishing with her pink Barbie fishing pole!

  2. Hi Whitney, my name is Sam and I live in Queensland, Australia. I found your blog through your cousin Erika. I love her blog and seeing you on it I wanted to read more so I checked it out and loved what I read so I went back to the start and have now read every single post up to this one. I should say I have also read your sisters blog and love it too! I really love learning about you and all your family. I love the way you share your lives together, from going on holidays together and to just being together at home or wherever you are. I so wish I had that. I also love how you talk about your faith, I am new to being a believer and I am just soaking it all in. Your girls are just beautiful. I thank you for sharing your life and I can't wait to read more and more. The progress with your house is great to see, so exciting!! I also follow you on IG. My name is CatSam80. Oh yeah, the biscuits you have started making are just incredible!!!!!!! So in awe of you. :)
