Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Emory - 8 months

This poor girl actually turns 9 months in a couple of weeks, but here is her 8 month post!

  • Weight and Length - Not sure, but her 9 month appointment is in a couple of weeks, so we will find out soon.  
  • She is wearing size 3 diapers and pretty much any clothes that say either 6-9 months or 9-12 months.
  • A big change this month is that she is waking up happy.  Most of the time when she wakes up you can hear her chirping away in her crib and when we go get her she's awake and smiling. 
  • We've been putting one of her soft little baby dolls in the corner of her crib (thanks Alan and Kathy Leimkuehler for one of her sweet babies!) and sometimes when we go in there she has grabbed it and is playing with it/holding it.
  • She's usually awake by 7:30 or 7:45 and takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap.  I've been pretty flexible with her morning nap because I want her to take a longer afternoon one.  Usually, I'll let her nap about 45 minutes to an hour in the morning, and then she takes 2-3 hours in the afternoon.  (Usually around 10 or 10:30 in the morning and then I put her and Brynn both down around 1:30 or 2 in the afternoon and both girls nap from about 2-4 or a little longer).  I usually nurse her about 8:30 at night and she's in bed by 8:45 or 9.
  • She nurses 4 times a day...in the morning, before we eat lunch, sometime after nap/before supper, and then before bed.  She usually nurses for about 10-15 minutes...sometimes less.  She eats solids at breakfast, lunch, and supper.  She loves to stay in the highchair and eat puffs or crackers or cheerios.
  • She is SUPER mobile.  She has been army crawling for awhile, but now she sits up on her knees in a crawling position and is starting to take 2-3 crawls. She sits up great and has actually tried to start pulling up on low things, like her little chair or on me.  How did that happen SO FAST? 
  • She still LOVES the carrier when we go to the store or to the new house.
  • She's been on the go this month...two trips to Nashville!
  • She loves to make little noises and babbles a lot...a lot of dadada, and blowing raspberries everywhere. She loves to make lots of little noises. 
  • She's a trooper...very laid back and go with the flow.  Brynn tries to hold her and make her sit on her lap ALL the time, and Emory is pretty used to being grabbed/flung around (so lovingly of course! HA!).  She's starting to let Brynn know to STOP messing with her...she will cry out and Brynn will SOMETIMES set her back down. (Or we have to say "Brynn...quit picking her up!")
  • Everything goes in her mouth...we are really starting to have to watch to make sure NOTHING is on the floor...we've already had to dig out a coin (scary I know!) and plastic beads.  (Parents of the year!)
  • I feel like everywhere we go, people say "wow, she's such a great baby" and comment on how easy-going she is.  We really could not have asked for a better little baby...LOVE her little go-with-the-flow personality and her infectious smiles!
  • We still call her Emory or Emory-Bug.
  • She is just AWESOME!  Our sweet little precious girl!

And here's Brynn at 8 months...

And a look back at the last 8 months...

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