Monday, June 9, 2014

Charli's Second Birthday Party

How is it that our niece Charli is already TWO?  I feel like we were just going to the hospital when Sarah was pregnant with ANSLEY, and now her baby sister is already two?  Crazy!  I also think it's crazy how when Ansley turned two, and even when Brynn turned two I just thought they were SO BIG, but then seeing the second child you realize "no, they are still so little!"

Charli's party was at Discovery Playhouse, and they had a really nice party room upstairs.  The kids had a blast playing and as always, Sarah does such a great job of party planning.  The theme was "Very Hungry Caterpillar" and it was so cute!

Sarah made Charli's AWESOME cake!  She is SO GOOD!

And I made some cookies!

Brynn with the birthday girl...

How amazing is that cake??

I was having one of those weird moments when Sarah was bringing the cake over.  It was like I was watching OUR kids having a birthday, but I was also seeing my home videos of me and my cousins when we were that little, but thinking "wow, it's those little kids from the home videos who are having kids now".  Does that even make sense?  And then I started thinking about how in no time I'm not going to be at my niece's second birthday party...we will be her aunt and uncle at her rehearsal dinner watching her get married.  It was just a surreal/weird moment...anyone ever have those?

These pictures are going to be on the wedding montage...know what I mean?

The kids played, then came upstairs for pizza and cake and ice cream, and then headed back down to play again.

Marlee LOVES little Emory!

And then one of the funniest things happened.  I let Marlee walk around with Emory for a little bit, and I knew they were playing in the "baby" area at Discovery Playhouse.  But when I went in I couldn't find Emory ANYWHERE!  Then I saw this...

And with Emory's know she was totally fine with it!

It was just SO FUNNY!



  1. Just got caught up on your posts. Those cookies are spectacular. You truly need to open a business. Put a baking kitchen in the basement! I am so proud of you and wish you were close enough to get cookies from. Well, when are you coming to TN?
    BTW Have I told you recently I hate word verification?

  2. You are so talented at making these cookies!! I am thinking about starting to do it, but it's a little intimidating! Where do you get your cookie cutters from?
