Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Bye-Bye Crib...

Some pretty exciting changes have been taking place around here...we finally decided it was time to change Brynn's crib into a "big girl" bed!!  Her crib converts to a toddler day-bed so we had been talking it up and she was SO EXCITED!  We waited this long because she's always done so well at staying in her crib, but figured since she's almost 3 we should probably do it.  HA!

She was helping Daddy with the was too funny!

AFTER...WOW!  Actually, I guess I never took a picture, but we bought a little bed-rail that goes across the front so she can't just roll out.  It provides a pretty good barrier, so it almost feels like she's still inside the bed, but she can still get in and out all by herself.

"Hummmmm....this could be cool!
Emory was really excited for Brynn...HAHA!

Like I said, it has a pretty big bed rail over the front where there is still room for her to get out by herself
but it's not as open as this picture.  

She has done so well!  With her almost being 3, we weren't really worried that she was going to have any problems, but it's nice that things have gone as smooth as they have.  We told her that when she wakes up she has to wait in her bed until we come get her, OR give her permission to get up.  (We can see her on the video monitor and so since it has that "talk" feature, we can say "okay Brynn you can get out of bed now."  She will get this huge smile on her face and crawl out of her bed, open her door, and come out. It's pretty cute!  And of course she thinks she is BIG STUFF getting to crawl out of bed all by herself!  WAY TO GO BIG GIRL BRYNN!

1 comment:

  1. Two pieces of mom advice (take them or leave them, just thought I'd share!)

    First with the rail - we started with a rail with Isaac as well in his crib/day bed, but another mom suggested we lose the rail. She said that's what they did with their kids because a child has to learn to stay on the bed at some point and not roll out, so why not learn in a crib low to the ground rather than a twin bed high off the ground? I thought that was a great idea, so we did that. We put a few pillows on the ground and he did fall out a couple of times, but nothing traumatic. And he's never fallen out of a twin bed, thanks to that experience. :)

    Second, if you want something tangible to teach her when she can get out of bed, check out a tot clock. You can set it to a certain time, like 7AM, and it will be blue at night and turn yellow at 7. Tell her she can't get out of bed until the clock turns yellow. :)

    Congrats Brynn, on your big girl bed transition!!
