Thursday, August 29, 2013

Emory's Nursery

Before we knew if we were having a boy or a girl, I had some ideas about what color scheme/bedding I would want to use if we had a boy or if we had a girl.  I knew if it was a girl I wanted to do something with light purple and gray.  I'm not super creative when it comes to decorating rooms...I have to see a picture that I like and just try to work on the room around that.  

Before Brynn was born, I found some bedding and a room picture that I really loved from Pottery Barn Kids.  My mom bought the bedding for my baby shower, and has decided to make it her "tradition" to buy each grandchild's bedding, and I decided to stick with Pottery Barn Kids for Emory.  My mom and I had so much fun shopping at the store in St. Louis.  Thanks Mom!  (And while I'm on that note...I also want to give a huge thank you to Ryan's parents for buying the crib.  They have done that for each of their grandchildren!)  So I found a picture of some lavender bedding that I really liked in the Pottery Barn catalog (and in the pic the walls were gray) and we just tried to base the room off of that.  I also got some inspiration from Pinterest, of course. 

So...without further is EMORY'S NURSERY!  

My little helper wanted to be in the picture...=)
Here is a view of the nursery from the doorway looking in.

When you walk in and look to the left...
Mrs. Linda made that fabulous diaper hanger!  

I realize we don't need that big full-length mirror in here, but I like having it to get ready, and
it was in Brynn's room.  We had to move it out, and it won't fit in our bedroom.  We figured
it matched Emory's room and we had some space, so in it went.  =)

I don't think you can tell, but that chair is actually a rocker.  When it was in Brynn's room
it had a light pink slipcover.  I found this fabric on clearance and loved it, and convinced
my sweet hubby that we should get the chair reupholstered!  YAY!  LOVE IT!
The purple frame on the wall is a shadow box that Emory's coming home outfit will go in.

Yes, our white clothes hamper is still in here.  HA!  For as long as we've been married, that clothes hamper
has been in this room (it used to be the guest room).  I guess we will finally have to move it out?  

This gown is Emory's coming home outfit.  After she is home and outgrows it, we will put
it in the purple/white shadow box on the wall.  The same lady made Brynn's outfit and we put Brynn's in a shadow
box in her room.  The gowns are exactly the same, just different colors.  

This dresser used to be blue and it was in here when this room was a guest room.
It actually was Ryan's changing table when he was a baby, so we thought it would be
really cool to use it for Emory.  My dad painted it for us...THANKS DAD!
I'm hoping to put some cute newborn pictures, or even pictures of us at the hospital in some of these purple frames.
Brynn painted the dark purple canvas, and she keeps wanting to put a bunch of her pictures in here!  HA!

So there it is!  I really like how it turned out.  Obviously we still have empty shelves and places where we can hang things, but the main thing is that we have a place for Emory to sleep in when she comes home, right?  HA!  I can't believe that sometime in the next month she will BE HERE!  Emory - we love you so much already and can't wait to meet you!  


  1. That is a beautiful nursery, Whitney. Love your color choice.

  2. Love it! You did a great job. Seeing the baby carseat ready to go makes me excited, its almost time!!!

  3. can't believe it's all there and ready for her to come SO SOON!!!! :D great job birdie!

  4. The nursery looks great and the countdown is on! Praying for you guys as you enjoy these last few weeks as a family of three.
