Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Princess "Punzel"

Brynn has really been into Rapunzel lately...although she calls her "Punzel" instead.  She wanted a "Punzel" lunchbox for "school" and just got a "Punzel" nightgown while we were on vacation.  She has also been wanting me to leave her hair down "like Punzel's hair mommy!"  The other day it was rainy and yucky outside, so we decided to watch the movie Tangled.  And by watch, I mean we actually sat on the couch for a good 30 minutes before she got a little antsy and we switched to playing dress-up..."Punzel" of course!  She was so funny and I just had to snap a few pictures to commemorate our "princess day."

She even let Mommy wear the crown...she was too busy with her
"princess lipstick".

I don't know if that's a princess smile or "grrrrr"...HA!

Mastering the princess wave...

She was in a FUNNY mood!

I LOVE my little "Punzel" SO MUCH!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Whitney! I'm Heather and I was wondering if you could answer my question about your blog! My email is
