Friday, August 23, 2013

IPHONE dump....Laura Ingalls Wilder, Getting Along, and Pipe-Cleaner Bracelets

I wish my iPhone took better pictures (or that I always had my good camera with me) but oh well.  Here are a few pictures I've taken on my phone lately...

Since Brynn can now successfully watch an entire Dora episode, I've been able to
try out some fun hair-do's!  I LOVE french-braiding her hair just like my mom
always used to do to me!

Uncle Kyle just left to live in Washington DC for a year while he finishes his doctorate degree in psychology.  He is interning at Walter Reed in DC, which is a HUGE accomplishment and we are SO PROUD of him!  We had a big celebratory dinner for him a couple of nights before he left and I snapped some pictures of Brynn running around in Pamaw and Papaw's backyard.  I felt like I was watching an episode of Little House on the Praire because of Brynn's hair and boots and how she was running around.  It was SO CUTE!

Uncle Larry...aka Uncle "Lail-wee" (family friend) 
Poor Uncle Kyle had to race Brynn ALL OVER THE YARD!

After supper the girls were playing (and fighting) as usual.  I think we are learning that this is just par for the course with girls that are close in age and love each other like siblings.  It's probably also good practice for me to see what life will be like with two kiddos!  (I'm going to have to start living in a black and white referee jersey!)  Brynn and Ansley seriously LOVE EACH OTHER TO DEATH and ask about playing with each other ALL THE TIME.  But the milli-second they get together you gotta get out that referee whistle!  HA!  That night Ryan got a bit frustrated and gave them a little talk...they took it pretty seriously, but I could not stop laughing!

After his little speech to the girls he made them look at each, other and tell each other
how much they loved the other one, and how they were going to try to share, etc.

Then he took off his shirt and made them both get in it (has anyone seen that on Pinterest?  HILARIOUS!)  He told them it was their "get along" shirt.  I WISH I had taken a picture.  They could not stop laughing and we walked them upstairs to show was so funny!  I think they might have made it for a record 15 minutes before they started squabbling again.  =)

On a completely different note, we have been into crafts lately.  I found these big old wooden beads downstairs and they are PERFECT for making bracelets with.  She LOVES to string them on pipe cleaners, and I think she has seriously made at least 30 of them.  If you are distantly related to Brynn, she has probably said your name and made you a bracelet.  =)

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