Monday, August 5, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans...

This past weekend was super busy and so much fun!  Friday night we indulged in one of my favorite pregnancy cravings (let's be was a favorite restaurant before I was pregnant!) and ate at Pagliai's Pizza.  YUM!

Then Saturday morning we got up and had a somewhat lazy morning at home.  Ryan even made chocolate chip pancakes (although I thought our smoke alarm was going to go off because I turned the griddle on WAY too high and before he started them we had some MAJOR smoke blowing around!  HA!)  At noon we headed to a birthday party for Trevor, Ryan's cousin's little boy who was turning four.  Then we came home and took a quick nap before heading to the Water Park for another little birthday party.  Bella was turning three and we love her and her family so much!  Her parents are friends of ours and were our Life Group teachers for the past five years.  They are such a great example to us and we aspire to have the type of Godly marriage and raise our family the way they do.

Brynn has flipped a switch recently, and has reached the point where she actually goes down slides by herself and doesn't have to be rescued!  HA!  (Seriously, I didn't want her to even go in the play room at Chick-Fil-A because she would get to the top and not come down and we had to go rescue her).  Lately she has been going up and down all by herself...and the Water Park was no exception!  I was SHOCKED that she started doing the kid water slides all by herself.  I bet she went down those slides 30 times!  

Seriously, when did she turn into such a BIG GIRL?  AHHH!

We headed back to the Greene's house for supper and hanging out, and I WISH I would have taken some pictures because the little girls were all sitting at a table together and just looked SO BIG.  They played really well together and we had such a fun night!

Sunday we had a good morning at church and then that evening we headed to our friends' house to celebrate the FIRST FOOTBALL GAME OF THE SEASON with some hot dogs and chili!  Again, I WISH I would have taken some pictures because we were all in our football gear.  We aren't even huge Cowboy's fans, but it honestly doesn't matter to me WHO is playing right now...the EXCITING thing is that FOOTBALL IS BACK!  OH HAPPY DAY!

It was a GREAT weekend of hanging out with friends and family!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading all of your busy activities. I told Deb I could never keep up with you all, as you are constantly doing something!lol It is so sweet all the family things you do. Love you all
