Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!  This was my very first year being a mom.  I now realize why my mom always wanted a day just to celebrate her and for us to serve her, give her a relaxing day of peace and quiet, and affirm the job she was doing.  She was the most wonderful example of how to be a Godly mom and I hope that someday Brynn looks up to me the way I look up to my mom. 

I told Ryan I wanted Mother's Day to be a week long celebration! HAHA!  I do feel like I had a "weekend celebration."  Saturday Pamaw kept Brynn (and Ansley) and Sarah and I and some girls went to see the movie "Something Borrowed."  Then Sarah and I had sushi at Saffron and just relaxed.  It was so nice!  Then that night my parents offered to keep Brynn so Ryan and I could have our first night minus baby.  I was so excited!  I don't even think we knew what to do with was just so nice to not worry about listening to the baby monitor and know we had 8 hours of SLEEP!  I was even surprised with a has Brynn's birthstones on it!

The next morning (Sunday...Mother's Day) my parents brought Brynn back over at 7 so I could feed her.  They said she went right to sleep and my mom only had to get up around 5ish to give her a quick bottle before she went back down until 7.  Now..why can't little Missy sleep that good here at home?  HA!  Oh well, I'm glad she did well for them, maybe that means more sleepovers at Grandma's in the future?  =)  We were going to take Brynn to the church nursery for the FIRST TIME, (so I could enjoy going to our LifeGroup class and listen to the sermon instead of constantly looking over at her in her carseat and worrying that would start crying in the middle of the service.)  Anyway - we got her all ready for church and had some time to take some pictures.  I'm really glad we took some pictures before church, because after I nursed her (our church has a GREAT nursing room) she had a blowout and when I changed her she started peeing all over the much so that the pee went all over her adorable outfit, got in her hair, etc.  So...we went from an adorable outfit to an old onesie...but oh well.  =)

Ready to go to church

This was all before I peed all over myself and my hair =) 

Want to see what Brynn got me for Mother's Day??  The biggest smiles we have seen from her so far...and she did them for the camera!  YAY! 

She did a really good job at the church nursery and I can't tell you how much I enjoyed actually going to church again, getting to go to our LifeGroup class, etc.  Brother Mark had a really good sermon about God equipping mom's and encouraging all the moms.  It was so good to hear.  Because there are times I feel like I don't know what I'm doing, there are times I worry I'm doing things wrong, there are times I get frustrated or lonely when I'm here all day and we can't just run out to the mall for 2 hours, etc.  Although life is great and we love being new parents, I don't want to give a false impression that everything is perfect.  Being new parents is CHALLENGING!  I want to say that because when I read another mom's blog and they say how hard it is, it just makes me feel better and encouraged, and comforted to know that other new moms are going through the same thing.  Being a mom is amazing and incredible and I can't believe God has blessed us with the gift of Brynn, but it is also the hardest job I've ever had.  Okay...enough of that.  I hope that makes sense.  Anyway - church was awesome and then we celebrated at Outback!!  Delicious!  That night we went over to my parents house because they were having a big barbeque for all the college kids (my parents and Ryan's parents lead the college group at church) before finals week.  It was REALLY FUN...and Ryan even won the washers tournament! =) 

Hope everyone had a GREAT Mother's Day!  I know this little face made my day!


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