Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Day of Firsts

On Friday I went to my first workout class since Brynn was born.  (Actually, it was my first workout class in a LONG TIME!)  Before I got pregnant I thought I'd be this awesome pregnant woman who could run a marathon and would want to work out with the best of them.  But when pregnancy hit, I felt too sick and tired to do much working out other than a good walk (And let me tell walking speed wasn't very fast.  70 year olds passed me on the track!)  Since Brynn had passed the 6 week mark I was able to take her to the "daycare" at they gym.  Plus...I didn't realize I had to be cleared by my doctor at my 6 week appointment to work out...I had actually tried to go to a class when she was about 4 weeks old (on a day Ryan could watch her) but the class instructor literally wouldn't let me work out and told me to walk the track until I was cleared...I felt like such a moron!  So...Brynn had her first official hour at "Healthpoint Fitness Daycare!"  HAHA!  She pretty much slept the whole time since it was during her nap, but my mom was asking her about "all the new friends she made at healthpoint nursery school!"  HAHA!

First Day of Healthpoint Daycare! 
(Aren't these little pants of my kindergarten students and his family got this outfit for me and at the time I thought it was HUGE...I can't believe she is big enough to fit in it now!)
 Then Friday night the boys had a church league softball game.  This year several of our friends are playing!  YAY!  It should be fun to hang out with the girls on Friday nights while we watch our boys play. 

Sarah and Ansley

Brynn braved the chilly temps to watch her first softball game, but Daddy lost...haha!  Actually, our team won the first game, but lost the second game (the one we watched) by the 20 run rule!  How does that happen?  I was actually thankful because we dropped both pacifiers on the dirt floor and got a little fussy by the end of the game...

Ansley had enough of us trying to get her to smile for the camera...we had to promise her a snack to get this smile.  She went from pout face to this 1 second smile back to pout face...and then lit up when Sarah got out the crackers!  I wish we had it on tape! 

Jason, Ryan, and Matt

Jason (trying to be the "cool kid"), Ryan, Jordan, and Mark
It was a fun day of FIRSTS!

1 comment:

  1. You work out at Healthpoint? Me too! You should come to spinning classes. :)
