Sunday, September 6, 2015


Last Saturday Brynn had her very first outdoor soccer game!  She was SO "she could barely fall asleep the night before and slept in her soccer jersey" kind of excited.  

I got up early and it was GORGEOUS outside.  I grabbed my cup of coffee and headed outside to enjoy it.  I figured Brynn would be up early so I took the monitor outside so I could hear when she got up.  (She almost always says "mommy, can I come down now?" And repeats that phrase like every ten seconds until you answer on the monitor "yep Brynn you can come down." =) Anyway - I took the monitor outside and sure enough I hear her at 6:55 AM (AHHH!) saying "Can I come down?")   

 She was saying "can I wake Emory up and tell her it's soccer day?"  HA!  Her team was scheduled to play two games back to back.  I was kind of worried, like "how much can these kiddos run?"  But it worked out really well that way!

When we got there she ran right out and started "warming up" with her coaches.  

In Pre-K they play four on four and they don't have a works out really great for the kids because it's just kind of "bumble bee" soccer at this age anyway.  When she first started she was SO SHY AND TIMID...we were all looking at each other like "what?  Where is BEAST MODE BRYNN!?"  I should have known that it was her first real game and she would be a little nervous, but I really thought she'd come out blazing =) like she had in practice.  Oh well. never know what you are going to get.  Thankfully, by the end of the first game she was starting to warm up and look more like herself.  I honestly was glad that she had two games back to back because I'm sure it will take a little time each game for her to feel comfortable, and this way, once the second game started she seemed much more like herself and was much more aggressive.

During the second game she was getting right in there, dribbling up and down the field, and even scored her first goal!!!  She was SO EXCITED!  (Although that was the one time I told Ryan to put the video camera down and just enjoy and watch...and wouldn't you know she SCORED THAT TIME!)    

I guess I NEVER took ONE picture during the is that possible?  Just of her and her little friends on the bench.  You should have seen one point during the second game they were so tired that I looked over and Brynn was squirting her water bottle on her head (think she's seen her Daddy do that much in races?  OH MY!)

I yelled a little more than I planned to (haha!) and we all had a great time watching our little soccer player.  She's had so much fun asking if she can watch her soccer video and she even told Uncle Jason that she scored 3 goals!  HA!  (She and a buddy scored one together at the end of the first game, she DID score one by herself, and I have no idea where she got the third one from...HA!)  But I can tell that she really loves it, and it's fun to watch her have so much fun!!

So proud of our little number 8!

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