Saturday, September 5, 2015

Soccer Practice and Friday Night Lights

Brynn started weekly soccer practices a couple weeks ago and we've had a lot of fun going to watch.  She is pretty obsessed with soccer right now.  She really loves it!

On Wednesday nights they have this free "Academy" program that teaches each age group specific skills...there were almost 60 Pre-K kids at their academy session Wednesday night.  They never scrimmaged, just did a lot of dribbling drills and games (her favorite is Sharks and Minnows...which teaches them to either dribble away from someone, or if you are the shark, to try to kick it away from other people).  She's made us "play" sharks and minnows several times in the yard since then!  HA!

Then on Thursday nights she has her team practice.  A couple of weeks ago (during their first practice) she was super timid, she didn't know anyone, etc.  But last week something clicked.  As her coach said "wow...Brynn turned beast-mode this week!"  HA!  She finally started really playing in the scrimmage and even kicked a couple of goals.  She actually kicked it away from the "other team" and would dribble all the way down the field to try and score.  It was pretty cool to watch her!  

She's also pretty fast, and they played this game where they started at one end of the field and when he said go they had to dribble all the way down the field to see who could dribble the fastest and score first.  She won three out of four times!  They did that right before the scrimmage and I think that's what really got her competitive juices flowing.  GO GIRL!  

On Friday morning we ran some errands and we saw this Cheetah headband...she wanted to get it so bad to go with her soccer jersey (her team is the Cheetahs).  She also saw the big girls wearing their headbands with their ponytails and I think she wanted one like them.  =)  So we got it.

We met up with some of our best friends and had pizza and then went to watch the Jackson football game.  It was really funny that we are three Central tigers, now living and cheering for our old rival.  HA!  But as we all said, we still love our Tigers and truthfully anytime Cape plays Jackson I want Central to win.  But I also will cheer for Jackson if they aren't playing Cape. (Yes, I know my sister and my friend Emily are shaking their heads...sorry girls!  HA!)  We loved getting out in the high-school football atmosphere and had a fun night!

We sat up pretty high because with six kids under six we were sure to be a rowdy group. =)  Here is Emory hugging Paxton.  HA!

Love those Friday night lights!

1 comment:

  1. I am shaking my head...why would anyone want to cheer for a losing team? I love that you are up there wearing RED AND BLACK!!!
