Saturday, July 25, 2015

Vacation Bible School 2015 - EVEREST

Vacation Bible School was the week of July 13-17 and we had A BLAST!  I always LOVE LOVE LOVE this week and this year may have been the best year yet.  The girls both LOVED it and not one day did either one say or act like they didn't want to go.  Every morning they were so excited, which was awesome!  

At our church, VBS is open to anyone entering kindergarten through seventh grade, but pre-school VBS is just for kids of parents who are working.  So there are just four little classes...babies, 1/2, 3's, and 4's.  I led preschool games this year, and got to help out with preschool stuff.  

Our church did EVEREST as our curriculum and it was amazing.  The kids loved the decorations, the songs and dances, the animals, crafts, etc.

I loved to sneak down and watch Brynn's class during the big opening time...

The 1'2's did a lot of free play obviously, but the two older groups were able to really do the games and understand the connection between our Bible stories each day and our games each day.

Sometimes Brynn can be pretty shy and stand back, but when I'd peek in the rally room she was RIGHT up front and doing the motions just like she does at home.  It was really cool to watch!

The kids brought almost 2000 food items for the local food pantry as part of a service project this week.

Christy and Jamie (childrens and pre-school leaders) did AWESOME!

Emory's little class loved their buggy rides.  If you ask Emory what was her favorite thing she would say "buggy wide".  And she loved her teachers Mrs. Karen and Mrs. Andrea...they were just AWESOME!

They would wheel them into the sanctuary during the music times.  Emory had Miss Andrea wrapped around her fingers and usually fussed just enough for Miss Andrea to get her out and hold her and dance to the music several days!  Oh Emory...

Brynn LOVES Mrs. Sheila (she was her teacher at Footprints a couple of years ago) and Mrs. Sheila was one of her teachers this year!

And Emory's teachers Miss Andrea and Mrs. Karen (our pastor's daughter and our pastor's wife).  They were amazing!

I am SO THANKFUL for an awesome week at VBS and for a church that works so hard to put it together for all of the kids.  We had a GREAT week...I'm already looking forward to next year!

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