Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas at Pamaw and Papaw's

On Saturday we spent the day at Pam and Rick's to have Christmas with them.  We all got over there around 10 and had some breakfast before getting ready to open presents.  Pam and Rick always read the Christmas story before opening presents.  Before kids, they read it out of the Bible, but now they use a children's book of the Christmas story.  Emory was napping in another room, and the other three girls were ready to go.

The girls made it about halfway through the story before Ansley and Brynn say "When are we going to be done reading this book so we can open presents!"  HA!  We finally finished the story and prayed, then it was present time.

The girls helped Pamaw pass out all the gifts...it was too cute watching them run around delivering the gifts.

"Here Anzee this is for you!"

Somebody was just a tad excited..

We used to go around and each person would open something while everyone else watched, etc.  but of course now with the girls it's more like a free-for-all and they went to town.  They were all so funny!  Ansley got an American girl doll (which she calls a "Kuh-merica" doll) and she was beyond excited.  She got "Saige" and she kept yelling 'I got STAGE, I got STAGE!"  It was hilarious!  Brynn's big gift was a big doll house with lots of different furniture for all the rooms!

We got Emory up and she got to watch a little present opening action.  Pam made her a board book with pictures of all her family members..it's really cool!

Oh, and a football taggie toy.  She said when she saw the football she knew it was the one to get!  HA!  I hope my girls like watching football like I do, but I don't really want them to come to me in eighth grade and ask if they can try out to be a linebacker or something!  HA!

We got Brynn one of those Pottery Barn chairs last year for her room, so Emory got one this Christmas.  It was a hit with Charli...good thing because I hear Santa got her one for Christmas!

The girls have been getting along really well lately.  I don't know if it's a Christmas miracle, or just them getting a little older?  After presents they all took their "babies" (Brynn had a stuffed Sofia and Doc, Ansley had her Bitty Baby, and Ansley had "stage") and played in Pamaw's bed..HA!

We put Emory down for a nap downstairs and we had a yummy lunch of steak and shrimp.  Then it was nap-time for all the big girls.  They really wanted to take a nap together...

We let them attempt (Jason and Ryan were going to nap with them), but of course it lasted about five minutes before they decided that it was more of a party than a nap.  So they all split up and took naps in different rooms.

While Ryan and Brynn were napping, I was feeding Emory.  She has had a BAD cold with lots of coughing and congestion.  She has so much drainage and she's been getting gagged and coughing and spiting up SO BAD because of it.  She spewed all her milk AGAIN that afternoon.  I finally decided (after calling the doctor and debating what to do earlier in the week) we should probably take her in.  She was literally like dry-heaving from gagging.  NOT FUN!  So Ryan and I decided to take her to convenient care.  What a fun break during the day, huh?  Brynn stayed at Pam and Rick's with everyone while we took Emory.  She tested negative for a bunch of stuff, and they said she had an upper respiratory infection, which is causing everything to stick around and for all the mucus.  They wrote her a prescription for a little antibiotic.  Thankfully, for the most part she has been so good through it all.  She's still sleeping good at night and is pretty content even with it all.  It's just the massive spit ups that are driving me crazy!  HA!

When we got back to Pam and Rick's they had decided that in a little bit they were all going to see Frozen.  I really wanted to take Brynn, and Ryan said that since he had taken Brynn to see her first movie I could go and he would stay with Emory.  It was SO GOOD!  It was such a special mommy/daughter memory.  She sat on my lap the whole time (she tried her own chair at the beginning but she can't weight it down very well and it kept flipping her out!  HA!).  She did so good and was just mesmerized!  I was a little worried that it would be scary for her (during the previews I look over and she had her hands over her eyes! HA!) but during the "snow-monster" scene I just said "hey, let's go potty" and we went the bathroom really quick and kind of skipped that part.  I can't believe she's old enough that we can go to the movies together...SO FUN!

Even though we made a little trip to convenient care during the day, it was still such a great day full of fun memories with family!  SO BLESSED!

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