Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Fur Vests and Messy Emory

One week before church we were actually EARLY and I snapped a few pictures of the girls in their matching fur vests...

I have a feeling in ten years these vests will be totally out of style and my girls will say something to me like "MOM...I can't BELIEVE what you made us wear." (I laugh about the childhood clothes my mom put on me and my sister all the time (my favorites are the "red velvet walking shorts with the teddy bear puff paint Christmas sweatshirts), but she SWEARS we were always wearing the cute "in-style" clothes even though they look funny now).  Well I bet this is the perfect example.  

The girls looked SO  CUTE in these vests, so I'm saying right now to future Brynn and were adorable in these and these were very IN STYLE when you wore them!  =)

We teach the 3-year old Life Group class and when Emory got picked up and came in our classroom she thought she was big stuff, trying to use the big kid sink.

I like to bake and do projects in the kitchen with the girls, but whoa Emory can make a mess in a hurry.  I swear I can turn around for one milli-second and she has found the ONE thing on the counter that she shouldn't get into...

And then I figure...if the shirt has to be soaked in stain-remover, why not just let her have at it...

Well at least they were some DELICIOUS cookie brownies when we got done...

We went to iHop on Pancake Day and got FREE pancakes.  It was really fun and the girls loved it!  Emory kept yelling "PANCAKE!  (PA-CAH!!!!)  And shocker..she got pretty messy...


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