Saturday, March 8, 2014

Do You Want To Build a Snowman? And a house update...

How about we start with the house update..because let's face it...THERE ISN'T ONE!  AHHH!  What a winter to start building a house, huh?  We broke ground the day after Thanksgiving, and I bet they have been able to work a combined two weeks (like two days here, three days here, etc.) TOTAL since we started.  The temps have been so low that pouring concrete has been almost impossible (somehow they were able to pour the basement walls a month ago) and then when it warms up to melt all the ice and snow we have, that makes it too wet for the concrete truck and by the time it melts and they could start pouring, we've had another FREEZING spell and the temps are too low to pour again.  I think this cycle has happened like FIVE TIMES!  AHHH!  God is really teaching us some patience, huh?  HOPEFULLY we are about through with the crazy cold temps, and once this most recent ice and snow melts and dries up, hopefully they will pour the basement floor.  Once that's done, they can start the framing process.  We are hoping that they can start doing that by at least the end of March.  On a positive, it will be fun to drive out there in April and May when it's warmer and watch the framing go up.  And we know that God knows the right timing...He knows when someone will want to buy our current house and how all of that will work out, so if we aren't in our new house by next fall (or next Christmas, or next Valentine's Day, or next spring...HAHA!) then we know His timing is perfect.

And since we've had our millioneth round of snow and ice, here are a few pictures from our latest snow day on Tuesday (which worked out great since Ryan is off on Tuesdays!).  (Sidenote - the snow days around here have been CRAZY!  Cape Central (the high school for our city) is on snow day 12 or 13.  Jackson (where I taught and it's got some rural areas) is on like 17 or 18 snow days.  And some of the really rural towns like Marble Hill (where Ryan went to high school) and Zalma (where Erika went) are on 25!!!!!!!!!  I have never heard of that IN MY LIFE.  I think the most I ever had when I was teaching was maybe 3 or 4 snow days the whole winter!!

She said she was putting "snowman food" on the tray.  And she still almost always pronounces "snowman"
like "tow-man."  So this was "tow-man food."


And more smiley baby...since she couldn't "play" she just got to watch and let mama hold her and let Daddy take some pictures of her in her cute "snow-suit."

The snow is fun to play in, BUT I AM READY FOR IT ALL TO GO AWAY.  I promise I will not complain when it is 90 degrees this summer!  I just want some WARM WEATHER!  =)

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