Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sleepover Fiasco and Emory's 4-Month Check-Up

Last Thursday Pam told us that Ansley had been asking if she and Brynn could have a sleepover at Pamaw's house.  She asked if Brynn could spend the night that night.  We said that was fine...and hoped Pam would get some sleep!  HA!  Evidently it took them till almost 11:00 pm to go to sleep!  WHOA!  Then the next morning around 7:30 I got a call from Pam.  She said they had an interesting night...Brynn woke up around 2:00 am AND PUKED all over Ansley!  OH. MY. GOSH!  I told her she should have called us to come get her, but she said it was fine.  Brynn didn't have a fever and was totally fine afterward, so maybe she just ate something that didn't sit well?  Either way, poor Pam and Rick had to give both girls a bath at 2 in the morning, and poor Ansley kept telling me "Guess what Brynnie did last night?  She did something kind of bad in the bed!"  HA!

I took Brynn to Wal-Greens to pick up some Pedialyte and some crackers that morning...she was so funny at the store (and yes, I let her go in her princess robe).  She kept saying "I just take this medicine if I need to frow up again?"

She was totally fine the whole day, and my parents had been wanting to take her to Frozen, so they all went to the movie after nap, and I took Emory to her over-due 4 month check-up.

She weighed 14 lbs - 45%
She was 25.5 inches long - 81%
Her head measured at the 51%

So thankful for a healthy report!

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