Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Brynn's First Sunday at Church

This past Sunday we took Brynn to church for the first time.  We were a little late and slipped in while Brother Mark was praying.  We thought she would fall right asleep during the songs, but she pretty much stayed awake the entire service.  Ryan and I were laughing because the choir did a song that had 4 drummers and supposedly reached 97 decibels!  Ryan plugged her ears with his fingers the best he could.  The song was awesome though.  To be honest, I was a little stressed the entire service because I thought she was going to start screaming or crying (although she really never made a peep)...next time I think I will sit in the back row.

With DADDY before church

Proud MAMA!!  She looked too cute in her dress and bow!

1 comment:

  1. whit, you do NOT looks like you were just pregnant! seriously, have you lost all the baby weight already!? and, i love the way B is looking at both of you two in these pictures, so cute!
