Brynn is growing up! She will be 5 months this coming Monday and her schedule is changing as she gets bigger and bigger. The new schedule she is on at Nonna's has been going something like this...
Eating around 7:20 or 7:30 although she hasn't been eating as much at this time. I'm thinking that right now it has a lot to do with the fact that she is being fed a bottle by a new person and that there are lots of kids distracting her while she eats. =) Then she eats a serving of rice cereal. She has been taking a morning nap from around 9-10:30, although some mornings she goes down earlier. It is about an hour and a half. Around 11 Nonna has been giving her another bottle, then she plays until her afternoon nap. I think Nonna has been trying to wait until 1 to put her down, but she has been wanting to go down about 12:45. For the last two days Nonna has woken her up at 3! Wow! Good afternoon nap! Then she gives her another bottle about 3 or 3:30. I come pick her up right after that and we go home and play. I put her down for a little catnap about 5 and she sleeps until about 5:45. Then we give her a pretty good portion of rice cereal and go on a walk and play with Daddy. I don't know if she will want another catnap before bed, but last night she was TUCKERED out...see picture below. I've been nursing about 8:45 and then we put her down for the night...wake her about 7 am and get up and do it all again! And I know this is TMI for some people (but just so I can remember in the future) but I'm pumping in the morning before we wake Brynn up and then pumping at school over lunch (around 11) and then pumping when Brynn and I get home around 4. We are starting to adjust pretty well. I'm glad I've given up control of her schedule to Nonna...I know it works better for her and I'm glad Brynn is adjusting so well! Thank you Lord!
How hialrious is this?? We went for a walk and Ryan used the carrier insted of the stroller. This child FELL ASLEEP mid-walk! HAHA! We were walking along and she was bobbing up and down walking with Daddy and seriously I look over and she is starting to fall asleep! She slept the rest of the walk home! Nonna's house really must tire her out! |
Brynn LOVES to watch Keegan! |
Just for the record...we seem to take quite a lot of pictures in our guest bedroom. I guess we don't want Brynn to spit up on our comforter. HA! |
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