Thursday, August 4, 2011

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

This Monday, August 1, Brynn rolled over from her back to her tummy!  I couldn't believe it!!  She has rolled from her tummy to her back, but just couldn't seem to get this other way down.  She would get SO CLOSE all the time, but never made it all the way.  Ryan seriously videoed her probably 50 times because he kept thinking she was getting ready to do it and he didn't want to miss it.  On Monday, he left for a few minutes and she did it while he was gone! HAHA!  But she did it the next day for him, so he wasn't too dissappointed.  Now she just wants to roll over ALL the time...

She is also getting REALLY good at eating from a spoon.  I had a "mommy moment" where I was just like "oh my gosh, this is my child, and she is getting so big and learning new things!"  She LOVES her rice cereal and she now knows to open her mouth for the spoon and just chows down on it.  (For a couple of weeks it seemed like more rice cereal ended up on her clothes than in her mouth!)  But now she opens right up and knows how to do it.  It is amazing to me how she is already learning things.  How did she figure that out?  For so long they just seem so little and now she is rolling over, lauging, grabbing things and holding them, and the spoon thing...for some reason that just amazes me! 

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