On August 22 Brynn turned 5 months! I just can't help but laugh every night when we are eating supper and I see little Brynn sitting in the Bumbo next to us...this amazing little person is OURS (well...our gift on loan from God) and I always laugh and say to Ryan..."she lives with us!" HAHA! Here are some things we want to remember about this month.
- Brynn weighs about 15.2 lbs. and is about 25-26 inches.
- She wears a size 2 diaper and most clothes are about 3-6 months.
- She is taking a bottle (or nursing) about 4 times a day now...in the morning around 7:30, again around 11:30, 3:30, and then at night before bed at 8:30. She is also eating rice cereal after her morning bottle, just started veggies after her 11:30 bottle, and is taking a second serving of rice around 6ish.
- She is taking a morning nap from about 9-10:30 and an afternoon nap from about 1-3, although a lot of days at Nonna's it has been from 12:45 to 3 or 3:30! WHOA! Then she goes down again from about 5:30 to 6:15ish. I nurse at 8:30 and then put her down right after...around 9:15 and we wake her up at 7 am to start the day. I am LOVING her schedule right now. I feel like the constant eating/sleeping, eating/sleeping of her infant days are gone and I feel like we can do things again...go out to eat, go on longer outings, etc. She is getting SO FUN!
- She has found her feet and loves to pull them to her mouth and try to eat her toes.
- She LOVES to be pulled up to a sitting/standing position and then we sway her from side to side and sing songs and she smiles so big and sometimes starts laughing.
- She sucks her THUMB now...not just her whole fist.
- We swaddle her "middle" now...we keep her arms out.
- She LOVES to sleep on her belly now.
- She constantly rolls over and loves to lay and play on her tummy.
- She grabs for things and holds them and likes to swing them toward the ground.
- Ryan takes her to Nonna's every morning and I pick her up. She loves to watch the other kids and is doing so well. It makes me feel so good to know that she is so loved and well taken care of, and is adjusting so great.
- She is just the most content happy little thing. I don't ever want to take that for granted...we just love her sweet funny little personality. She loves to smile at EVERYTHING!
1 month |
2 months |
3 months |
4 months |
5 months
wow! she's grown up so much already!!