Saturday, March 30, 2013

Gigi's Easter Egg Hunt

On Wednesday morning before Bible Study we headed to Gigi's retirement community for an Easter Egg Hunt.  They invited a daycare and all the grandkids and great-grandkids of the residents to hunt eggs, eat snacks, etc.  It was SO MUCH FUN!  I loved watching Brynn find the is amazing how different this year and last year were...last year she was just learning to walk and this year she was running around yelling the colors of the eggs and scooping them in her basket!
Oh my my child watching the TV for more than 30 seconds? HA!

Ready to go hunt eggs...

Lots of the residents came out of their cottages to watch...I think they really enjoyed it!
When I get that age, I want to live somewhere like this!
The staff does so many fun things for them!  =)

Charli got lots of love from Brynn...Brynn even brought her over an Easter egg!
Then Brynn proceeded to open the egg for Charli, take out a piece of candy, tell Charli
"no eating that candy Charli" and opened it and ate it herself!  OH BROTHER!
Then she took out half of the chewed up candy, and set it on Charli's neck!  HAHA!  Poor Charli had little pieces of
chocolate all over her!

Lots of Gigi's great-grandkids were there!

Brynn, Ansley, Charli, and Gigi!
And as I sit and type this, Brynn is napping and I MAY have just opened several of the Easter eggs she got today, and I MAY have just eaten some of the candy...WHOOPS!

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