Thursday, March 28, 2013

2 Year Highlights...

I may have just officially made myself start crying by posting these pictures!  Okay, I need to pull myself together.  Brynn is TWO and today we had her two year well-visit.  I figured this would be a good place to write down those stats, and also record a few of the milestones she is reaching.  (I'm going to apologize in advance for the long list, but feel free to skip down to the pictures since this probably won't interest you!)

  • Weight - 25.0 pounds - 27%
  • Height - 34.5 inches - 67%
  • Dr. Hoffman said everything looks great, and that she's on the more "taller and thinner" side...HA!  We were so thankful for a great check-up!
  • She is SO VERBAL these days...I have NO IDEA how many words she knows...she seems to hear us say something a few times and then remembers it.  The other day we were eating cottage cheese, but never said the word and all of a sudden I hear her say "Iwun cottish cheese too!"  WHAT??  I think that pretty much sums up her vocabulary right now.
  • She knows all the main colors...yellow, orange, red, pink, purple, green, blue, white, black.
  • She has started really getting into "singing"...she can sing "Jesus Loves Me" (as I'm typing this she is in bed for the night and I can hear her over the monitor singing's ADORABLE!)  She sings it so of my favorite memories right now is that she wants us to sing to her before we lay her in bed before naps and at night.  Ryan always lays her down at night, but I lay her down for naps and she will sit in my lap on the pink chair in her room and we sing Jesus Loves Me together.  She looks right into my eyes and says the words with me.  
  • She loves to attempt to count.  She had 1-5 down really good, so we kept saying 6-10 more, but since then she only starts with like 6.  It is hilarious.  She will count things like 1,2,4,6,7,8, 10!  Or even 1,2,3,2,3,4, etc.  
  • She can go up and down stairs all by herself...she even goes up without needing her hands.  To come down she usually scoots on her bottom or uses the railing.  She is a jumping and running machine!
  • Her new phrases are "HOLY COW" (thanks to my dad!) and "Oh man!"  To hear her say those when she thinks something is cool or when she drops something makes me CRACK UP!
  • She loves purple and pink (but especially purple) and she is really into the princess thing right now.  She can name Cinderella, Snow White, Jasmine, Ariel, Rapunzel (who she calls Tangled sometimes too), and Belle, but she's never really seen the movies.  If she could ever sit still long enough to watch something, maybe she would like them even more!  HA!
  • She actually has sat and watched things on TV for about five minutes here at the house, but that's about it.  She watches Veggie Tales or Strawberry Shortcake in the car really well, but doesn't sit still in the house to watch anything.
  • I have noticed a BIG change in how long she plays and entertains herself.  Sometimes I have to go check on her while I'm cooking because she is playing by herself so well.  That's pretty cool!
  • She is a GREAT eater...there really isn't anything I can think of that she doesn't like.  We've also noticed that she sits a LOT longer in restaurants lately.  
  • Sleep has been really good.  She usually naps somewhere between an hour and half to two and a half hours, and at night we usually put her to bed around 8:30 and she is up around 8ish or a little later.  She falls asleep for her naps SO FAST but at night we hear her playing for over 30 minutes sometimes...singing, chirping around, playing with her baby, etc.  We are blessed in this department!
  • Lest I make it sound like we have the perfect child, she can be QUITE opinionated.  She says "NO" a lot, and also likes to do everything herself, which can cause problems when she wants to pick out a pair of shoes or an outfit and I'm like "no, we cannot wear that" or "okay, you cannot put socks on by yourself and we are running late and mommy has to do it!"
  • We are so blessed with such a happy, healthy, little spunky thing.  She has such a fun personality and we LOVE HER SO VERY MUCH!

About 30 minutes old...=)



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