Friday, March 15, 2013

Survivor Night at Church

This past Friday night was the annual "Survivor Night" for the college kids at church.  I'm sure I've said it on here multiple times but my parents and Ryan's parents do the college ministry at our church.  About five years ago my mom was trying to brainstorm a fun activity to do for the college kids and Ryan and I were like "you need to do a survivor night!"  (When we were at Mizzou this one little church put it on every year for all the college kids and it was one of my favorite things ever!!!)  Basically the kids divide up into teams and go all over the church competing in eight different challenges..some of more physical, some are mental, and some are just silly.  One really fun thing is that the senior adults facilitate all the events...and so they get to meet the college kids.  They score all the events and the winning teams get some great prizes!  Last night they had a record 10 teams!  WHOA!  

I usually help my mom set everything up and this year we had a fun little helper (guess who?  HA!)  She was running all over the church with us...setting things out and let's be honest...getting in EVERYTHING!  But we had a lot of fun!  Later that night we went back to help and's always so much fun and it definitely takes me back to those good ole' "Survivor Nights" back when I was in school!

Here are a couple pics we snapped on our phones before the event began...

It's just not Survivor Night without the annual "eating" challenge.
This year they tried different baby foods and had to guess what baby food it was to earn points.
 Brynn liked this room because she liked seeing the baby food (she kept saying "baby food..little girl" aka baby food is for little girls!) and because it was in the church's little kid play room!!!  HA!
What are those kids eating???

Funny story - it was about the time that the above team was leaving the food challenge when I could tell Brynn had gone number two in her diaper.  We were leaving to go change it when the next team came in.  Obviously they were blindfolded (so they couldn't see the foods) and this poor guy walks in right past Brynn (remember he's still blindfolded) and he goes "oh my gosh, this food is going to be so already smells like POOP in here!" HAHAHA!  We were like "oh sorry, our kid just did that in her diaper!"  HA!

Yes, we needed to leave to change the diaper, but somebody was so enthralled watching the kids!

There was a Sudoku challenge...that would have fried my brain!

A relay...clearly I"m not a very good action photographer...

Throwing washers...


The kids are such good sports...they let us watch them do everything!

The "casino concentration" game...they had to play memory with an entire deck of cards.  The black queens were
matches, the red queens were matches, etc.  They had to take turns going around the table and flipping over
two cards but they couldn't talk to each other or help each other, and they were timed to see how
fast they could match the entire deck of cards.

There is always some kind of music or dance challenge...this year they got judged on how well
they sang 12 different churchy songs...HAHA!  I would be TERRIBLE at this!
I forgot to take a picture of the last challenge...the "Pew Prowl".  The kids had to do a relay where they scooted themselves under all the pews.  They started at the very back, had to scoot or pull themselves under all the pews to the front, and then scoot all the way back.  Almost all the kids were like "wow, there is a lot of gum under there!"  HA!

What a fun night!  We left before it was over because...let's face it, college kids can stay up a lot later than we do!  I'm so glad they enjoyed it...we love the college kids!

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