Monday, April 1, 2013

The "Playhouse!"

Brynn's birthday playhouse (I know it's really probably called a swing-set but she calls it her "pay-house" (playhouse) has been finished for over a week and that thing has already been put to GOOD USE...even with the cold temperatures!  Last week Ryan, his dad, and my dad hauled it over from my dad's garage and started setting it up.  We came outside to watch, and I walked outside to find not three, but SIX grown men outside helping! HA!  (Three of our neighbors decided to get in on the fun!)  She was even trying to climb up the ladder and go down the slide WHILE they were bolting it in place!

I was laughing so hard when I walked outside and saw all my neighbors!  MEN...I guess they can't
walk away from a good construction project.

The other two swings hadn't even been put up and she was already trying stuff out...=)
After all the pieces got put on (slide, swings, ladder, etc.) she had so much fun!  We came in and had supper, and then the best part of the doing the dishes?  Seeing this out the kitchen window!

If I knock on the glass kitchen window they can hear me, so I would knock and she would
look over and smile and wave!  MELT MY HEART!

Thanks to all the guys who helped put this together...I see HOURS and HOURS of fun outside on this thing!

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