Thursday, March 5, 2015

Valentine Cookies

I knew cookies would be a big hit for Valentine's a couple of weeks before Valentine's weekend I made two different sets of cookies and posted them on Facebook for people to pre-order.  The response was a tad crazy. =)  I stopped the orders at around 330 cookies...HOLY. COW. 

My mom helped me make my dough...we had to make 19 batches, so on the Sunday before Valentine's Day I got all my ingredients and she helped me mix them up.  I thought my mixer might honestly blow up.  HA!

Then on Monday I started baking.  I borrowed a bunch of cookie sheets from friends and family and baked for a couple of hours while the girls were napping.  Then after they went to bed I baked for another hour or so and finished.  I have no idea how I would have done that without a double oven.

On Tuesday after we got out of school we ran home and Ryan (who is off on Tuesdays) took the girls and took Brynn to dance class.  I stayed home and mixed up all my icing.  I made 10 different batches and each batch was a different color...I wish I would have taken a was CRAZY!

Then after the girls went to bed that night I started putting the base coat of icing on all of them.  Ryan was going to help me fill them in, but of course the dishwasher wasn't draining and in the middle of icing all the cookies, we were messing with a crazy dishwasher (turns out this tiny piece was lodged perfectly in the hose and all is now well...other than I had a temporary case of carpal tunnel...ha!)

Wednesday night once the girls were in bed I added all the finishing touches...the words, etc.

Instead of delivering the cookies like I usually do, I messaged everyone on Facebook and they all picked up their cookies on Thursday at my house from 4-6.  Once the cookies were picked up, Ryan and I took the girls to Pam and Rick's and had a DATE at Olive Garden.  It was SO NICE to be done with everything and just have some quiet time with Ryan.  HALlELUJAH!

My bedroom got a bit of a workout..

Over Valentine's weekend we hosted youth girls from our church for Disciple on Saturday night we were getting out of the house to give the girls some privacy.  We headed over to Pam and Rick's because she had some Valentine treats for the girls.  Ansley and Charli were there, and while we were there Pam says "oh, I got this kit to make Valentine cookies.  Do you girls want to do that?"  HAHAHA!  The girls were like "Aunt Whitney, can you help me?  Can you make more icing?  Can you draw this on my cookie?"  We were all laughing because I just couldn't get away from cookies!!!  But it was so fun and so cute to watch the girls decorate!!  They did such a great job....they were so cute!


  1. These are amazing!! You are so talented!

  2. 330 cookies is A LOT! But they all turned out so cute!
