Thursday, April 10, 2014

And This is What Suppertime Looks Like Now...

Emory has graduated to the big girl high-chair!  CRAZY!  She can start having little bites of melts and puffs so now while we are eating we can feed her baby food and let her "attempt" to feed herself her little "treats."  HA!  The other night when we were ALL sitting around the table Brynn kept squealing and saying "LOOK GUYS...WE ALL AT THE TABLE!"   

Starting to feed herself little puffs and melts...

I think most people do this, but Ryan is probably the funniest...he always opens his mouth and makes a face while he is feeding Emory.  It's like a subconscious thing but it cracks me up!

LOVE that Emory can now sit up at the table WITH us instead of hanging out in a little bouncy seat next to us!  SO SWEET!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet. Your children are so blessed to have you and Ryan as parents. I know, I know, you are blessed to be teir parents. I can hear you now! I am blessed to be your friend/
