This past weekend was just the BEST weekend! Since Brynn's birthday was on Saturday and my sister Lindsey's birthday was on Sunday, Lindsey and Curt were able to come into town on Thursday afternoon and stay all weekend! We spent a TON of time together, hanging out and visiting and celebrating!
Thursday after school we headed over to my parents house and Lindsey and Curt got there around 4:30. It was a beautiful day and we got to play outside, eat dinner together, and hang out until the girls' bedtime. After Ryan and I put the girls to bed, I stayed up WAY too late icing some Hello Kitty cookies for Brynn's birthday party.

On Friday morning my mom came over and watched the girls while my sister and I had to run 7 miles (yuck!) as part of our half-marathon training. It was SO NICE to run with Lindsey instead of just listening to music. Then Linz and my mom ran errands and the girls and I met up with all of my friends at the was WONDERFUL...a BEAUTIFUL day!!! We went home and took naps and then went over to my parents house around 5 to visit with my grandparents, aunt and uncle, and my cousin Jared and Kelly and their boys who all came over for a family dinner since Lindsey was in town. We all went a fish-fry here in town and it was SO GOOD! Then everyone went back to my parents for dessert. Lindsey and Curt even let Brynn open her birthday present a day early!
Brynn and Camden put on a "magic show" and it was HILARIOUS!
Brynn's really been into making "surprise" faces lately. I'm not sure what this one was about? |
We were all laughing SO HARD over Camden's magic tricks...hilarious!
On Saturday morning we had Brynn's birthday party at our gym, Fitness Plus. I'll post a TON of party pictures in a separate post, but it was SUCH a great morning celebrating Brynn, and I think she had a BLAST!
After the party we headed home for naps (even for us!). When the girls got up, Brynn had so much fun looking through all her toys and playing with all of her new stuff. Then we headed out to our lot to see the progress from the past week, and Brynn and Ryan even flew her birthday kite!
By then it was supper time so we ate at Bella Italia for a special birthday dinner for Brynn and Lindsey!
Brynn and I made some silly faces before dinner... |
Emory spent the beginning of dinner snoozing away... |
Lindsey picked Bella Italia and Brynn was excited because she loves "noodles"...clearly...
See what I mean about the "surprised" face?? |
While we were eating these girls and their dates walked in. Cape was having a formal dance and Brynn asked us if that was Elsa (from the movie Frozen! HA!) The girls were SO SWEET and even took a picture with Brynn!
Sunday morning while we were all getting ready for church Brynn was hard at work on a craft kit she got from one of her little friends...
All ready for church... |
All weekend long we've enjoyed having on the basketball games...MARCH MADNESS has begun! We are big fans in our house!
Even Emory was having fun playing around with Daddy while the games were on!
Curt is a HUGE Tennessee fan, so after naps we headed over to watch the game together and eat supper (we had lots of leftover pizza from Brynn's party). We took Lindsey's birthday present and then Lindsey and Brynn got to go on a "birthday treasure hunt" that my mom had set up!
To start the treasure hunt Lindsey and Brynn had to decorate their "treasure bags."
Curt was a little more into the game than watching the treasure hunt...HA! |
They searched all over the house for special cards and at each spot there was a special treat.
First treat? New socks! And the "surprised" face again...=) |
Then some Hello Kitty cotton candy hiding in the bath tub! HA!
We tried taking a girl picture, but it didn't really turn out too well! HA!
Then Brynn, who really wasn't into the picture earlier, decided we needed a "boy" picture, but she got to be in all of them...
This weekend was SUCH A BLAST and I am so thankful we were able to celebrate Brynn and Lindsey's birthdays as a family! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRYNN AND LINDSEY!