On Friday Brynn turned 2! But we didn't have her party until Saturday, which also happens to be my sister's birthday! We had the party at Ryan's parents house this year (we just do NOT have enough room...but I am dreaming of the day we can host a fun event at our house! HA!) so on Saturday morning I headed over to Pam and Rick's to do a little work setting up for the party. Ryan got Brynn up and ready and brought her over before the party started. We celebrated with lots of our family and some close friends. It was crazy and FUN!
Ryan took this at home...clearly I MADE him bring me stuff to fix her hair...but that was a bad idea. He forgot the BOW, so my poor child didn't even get to wear a bow for her party! Dads... |
My sister came over early to help decorate...on her 23rd birthday! How sweet! |
We had tutus for the girls and bow-ties for the boys...I think it turned out pretty cute! |
Erin and sweet Colton...how cute is this little man in his bow-tie! |
My favorite seamstress, the fabulous Mrs. Linda, helped me make all the bow-ties! Actually, let's be honest..she and Pam made them all, and I helped cut fabric and tie all the tutu's...I probably gave myself carpal tunnel syndrome, but my job was much easier than theirs! HA! THANK YOU LINDA AND PAM! Thank you Greene's for helping us celebrate! |
Daddy and Uncle Jason were getting in the "theme" of the party...thanks guys! |
I guess I never took pictures of the food, but we had BBQ sandwiches (thanks to my father-in-law!), chips, veggies and dip, fruit salad, and BOW-TIE mac and cheese (thanks mom!) And my mother-in-law was so sweet and pretty much manned all the food stuff...I never once helped fill up the food. I just got to ENJOY the party! We are VERY blessed with great parents who love to help out. THANK YOU GUYS!
Then it was time to sing Happy Birthday...she has been singing this for the last couple of weeks... Happy Birthday to Minn (that's usually what it sounds like when she says her name)
She blew out the candles pretty well! |
YUM! |
This could be my favorite picture ever... |
Then Brynn opened her presents...I was really surprised at how well she did. Of course, it was MUCH easier that all the presents were in bags. She would throw the tissue paper out and go at it. The funniest part was that she was sitting on Ryan's lap, and he was trying to make sure he told me who each present was from. Sometimes she got going so fast, we were all laughing at Ryan. He was like "whoa, slow down...this is getting overwhelming...I'm getting stressed!" HA! It was hilarious!
This face CRACKS ME UP! |
Princes stuff was a big hit! |
Ansley was hilarious...I can just picture Brynn being the same way when Charli turns 2! She was trying to help and it reminded me so much of home videos when I was little having a birthday party and Erika would try to open all my presents. You can hear everyone on the video going "Erika, let Whitney do that!" But she was so sweet and helpful! |
Granny and Pawpaw got her an Ariel costume, and let me tell you...we have WORN that thing out in the last few days...she put it on at the party and didn't take it off! |
After the party, she was playing around with my Dad and I had to snap some pictures. After everything that happened with him getting sick in September, I just always feel so blessed that he's HERE to make these memories with her!
Notice Ariel's earrings? She was VERY excited about those...=) And yes, she has purple icing all over her face! |
After cleaning up and getting home, she took a MONSTER nap (and so did Daddy!) We ended up waking her up because I was afraid she wouldn't go to bed that night because she had slept too long! I brought her out and she had some snuggles with Daddy...these two were worn out!
Oh, Ryan doesn't have a shirt on? What's new?

Later that night, we went to Watami for Lindsey's birthday. Brynn LOVED it. My dad kept laughing at how she was eating all the soup and trying all the food (because if you know my mom, she DOES NOT like any Asian food...I think Brynn ate WAY more than my mom!) She would say "more fire" and clap every time she saw someone's table lighting up with fire. She wanted to sit on my lap and my dad's lap when they did it at our table, but she did really well...it was just such a fun dinner!