I feel like I haven't blogged since all the Easter overload pictures! HA! Here are some pictures of sweet Brynn and some updates on what's going on in the Bandermann family...
Look at these ADORABLE boots! |
Ryan's Aunt got these for Brynn for her birthday...they are ADORABLE.
We had Brynn's one year pictures taken on Tuesday and we
took them (and the matching jacket) to get some pictures taken in them by
the creek near our house. Brynn just wasn't having it!
The coat was way too big (and the boots are big too) so I think I'm seriously
going to save them for her 2 year old pictures! |
Watching her try to walk around in these was HILARIOUS! |
She looked so cute this morning before school that I had to snap some pictures. |
Her pants matched this little "dew-rag" so I put it on her!
Ryan told Nonna he thought it looked like my underwear on her head! HA! |
We don't care what Daddy says...this is ONE CUTIE PATOOTIE! |
Brynn has been quite the entertainer at supper lately. The other day she let out a HUGE toot and then said "UH-OH" really loud. Ryan and I were peeing in our pants we were laughing so hard. (I don't know if it was just a coincidence that she said that, but the timing was hilarious!) She also LOVES to try and use her spoon. It was so funny the other night we took some pictures.
She definitely likes to try to do it herself! Sometimes she can be a little sassy-pants! |
She will pick up her food and put it on the spoon and then try to put the spoon in her mouth.
Sometimes she even just sets the food on the spoon, smiles, grabs it off the spoon, and then puts
it in her mouth. |
She doesn't really understand that food won't stay on the spoon if she holds it up and down! |
So proud of herself when she can do it! |
Well...not totally successful if she needs a bath EVERY time she gets done eating supper,
but that's how you learn, right? |
A couple "big girl" updates...she hasn't been taking a morning nap for about a week. Last week at Nonna's she was fine all morning so Nonna didn't put her down until after lunch (around 12:45) and she hasn't been taking one since. There have been a couple of times she has been pretty cranky in the evenings, but overall it hasn't been too bad. We have been putting her to bed earlier during the week (like in her crib before 8). Speaking of...our evening routine has also changed. After her one-year check-up when Dr. Hoffman said to try to phase out the bottle, we gave it a try. She has done great...I guess I was worried that she would wake up early because she was hungry, but that hasn't been the case at all. She eats supper around 6 with us, and then about 7:45 we've been reading out on the couch and letting her drink milk from her sippy cup if she wants. Then we say "night night" (and she has been saying "ni ni") then we put her in her sleep blanket and put her down for the night. Sometimes we will see her on the video monitor in there playing and making chirpy noises, but within 10 minutes or so she's down for the night. It is so exciting to see her become such a big girl. She is trying to imitate so many words we say, and it's just such a cool time!
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