Wow...what a difference a month makes. I feel like this month has seen Brynn go from a baby to a toddler. She is doing so many new things and is really developing a little personality. (And side note...we had never used her 12 month sticker, so just pretend like this month's sticker says "13 months" instead of 12!)
I am 13 months, people! |
This is how Daddy puts on her headband...oh brother! |
I know these little bullet points probably bore most of you, but these are things I don't want to forget about 13 months!
- She weighs around 21-22 pounds.
- She is wearing a size 3 diaper.
- Wearing mostly 12-18 month clothes.
- I really didn't expect her to start doing this so quickly, but she has dropped her morning nap and just naps from about 1-3:30 everyday. Occasionally she will still take one (if we are in the car and she falls asleep, etc.).
- This month she stopped nursing completely and also dropped her last bottle...just eats supper and is good to go until the next, what a difference that makes!
- She started walking and can crawl all the way up stairs.
- She just seems to be learning so many things and her receptive language seems to be getting better and better. You can ask her to go pick something up or throw something in a basket and she does it. It's crazy!
- She LOVES to bring me books and will come over and plop herself in my lap...too cute!
- She says dada, nonna, mama (still not much), uh-oh, ball (bah), and everytime she sees a balloon she shouts "bahhhoo", and she really tries to imitate when we say things. She says a lot of "bah" and "dah". She tries to say "toothbrush" but it comes out really funny, but it sounds the same everytime. She says "bowwwwww"...and "nigh nigh" at night. I can't think of everything, but she is really trying to say a lot.
- She loves to snuggle with her baby and her giraffe in her crib, and when we put her down at night she has been attempting to "jump" lately in her crib...oh boy!
- She loves to play with Pamaw's babies and feed them and put them in their bed. She also loves to take spoons and bowls and stir.
- This has been such an exciting month!
That brings me to another exciting piece of news...(and please don't be thinking this is a baby announcement...that's definitely not in the works yet! HA!) This month, after LOTS of prayer, Ryan and I finally made the decision that I'm not going to teach full-time next year! We have been thinking about it pretty much all school year, and I told my principal and co-workers a couple of weeks ago (amidst bawling). It's so bittersweet because I love my job, and plan on going back once our kids are in school (or whenever God leads), but for now we decided that I will get to stay at home with Brynn. I am going to try to sub about 2 days a week at Orchard, which I think for me will be perfect! We are so excited for this next phase of life!
Whitney, I'm so excited for you! I know it's something you've been thinking about for awhile, so I'm thrilled to hear that you guys have made a decision. Now you can join us on weekday playdates!
ReplyDeleteYay Whitney, that is great news! She's so stinkin cute and really starting to look like a little girl and not a baby anymore! I'm sure you'll love being with her full time now!