- Weight - 21 pounds, 7 oz. - 53%
- Height - 31 1/2 inches - 86%
- Head Circumference - 50%
- Dr. Hoffman said everything was looking great...by 15 months she has to be saying 3 true words, be running and climbing, and not taking any bottles. (She only takes one at night...she doesn't use it to fall asleep, but I like knowing her little tummy has something in it. He was like "she will be fine!" HA!
- Still wearing size 3 diaper and mostly 12-18 month clothes.
- As of a couple of days ago she was drinking only whole milk and eating almost all table food...I'm sure she will get pickier as time goes on, but as of right now she loves any food we put in front of her. She eats fish sticks and chili mac at Nonna's!
- Schedule is still the same...gets about a 30 minute morning "power nap" and then about a 2 hour afternoon nap. We've been putting her to bed around 8 or a little after and waking her up around 7.
- She has her top two teeth (and now the next two top ones have cut through)
- When we get ready to eat and we say "let's pray" she will clasp her hands together...it is too cute! After we say "amen" she always claps!
- At 12 months she was standing and taking a couple of steps, but since this post is almost 2 weeks late...by now she is walking all over the place!
- She points at LOTS of thing.
- She is really getting good at doing the "more" baby sign. She doesn't do it the right way, but at least she's consistent with the way she does it! HA!...she keeps one hand open, and then does the sign with the other hand...we think its too cute!
- She loves giving me books to read and likes to sit in my lap while I read...although I don't know that we ever make it through an entire story. Usually she likes to keep turning the pages and then I said "the end" and she gives it back to me to start over.
- She LOVES to bounce to music and loves to push all her toys that make music.
- I think maybe her only REAL words are dada and nona...she does say mama but I don't know if she really understands that means me. She does say "uh oh" and "dah" a LOT...and she makes a LOT of noise...just not super intelligible. =)
- We have been going on walks almost every night. We love to walk to Dennis Scivally Park and they have a GREAT baby swing that she LOVES! She also likes for Ryan to take her down the slide.
She is growing up so fast! We are loving this new stage with our little girl!
Whitney I am so HAPPY you all read to her. This grandma thinks reading is SO important!