Thursday, April 21, 2011


Before Easter weekend (and all the pictures and festivities I'm sure I'll try to blog about) I wanted to catch up and post a few pictures we hadn't shown you guys yet.  My cousin Erika told me she gets excited to see pictures and then there are never any of just Brynn! HAHA!  Well Erika...she really can't do a ton by herself yet, so usually we are just holding her in pictures.  =)  But...just for her I snapped a few yesterday when we went out to buy some birthday gifts. 

She fell asleep while we were out running errands (right on schedule...good job Brynn!) so when we got home I didn't want to wake her up...she finished her nap in her carseat. =)

Erika...this close up is just for you!

Stretching before the diaper change =)


Gigi (Ryan's grandma and Brynn's Great-Grandma) came by for a visit last weekend

This was us before our first night out...I think I forgot to post this.

I swear she doesn't wear this bow everyday...I just put it on her for pictures...but it seems like it's all she wears.  It is really soft and not too crazy so when we head out this is usually what I put on her.  I want people to know that beneath all that Frankenstein hair there is a cute little girl!

On a different friend Lauren asked about how I'm doing with my pregnancy weight loss.  Let me first say that last week as I was picking up my contacts the lady behind the front desk asked me "When is your baby due?"  I'm like "Uhh...actually she is 3 WEEKS OLD TODAY LADY!"  In her defense, she didn't stare at me up and down when I walked in and I was behind her desk so she may have not seen my entire stomach...but still!  Why do people ask that? HAHA!  I didn't really worry about it too much because, although I still have weight to lose, I really don't think I still look pregnant!  So...I gained 30 pounds during my pregnancy.  The first 20 pounds came off within the first 3 weeks or so...I'm assuming that was just from the baby, placenta, extra blood volume, fluid, etc.  Now I'm on the hard part...the last 10 pounds that are actual fat.  I tried putting my jeans on the other day and that was a terrible idea.  They seriously won't come above my thighs.  That's the major problem areas...the butt and thighs.  Oh well...I've got a great pair of maternity jeans from Erika that I seriously wear anytime I go out.  I can't wear any bottoms that I used to wear except my stretchy leggings...but all in due time, right?  Brynn was worth my jeans not wanting to come above my knees! =)  Also - my sister told me my paragraphs are getting a little long-winded.  Sorry Linz...this was a long one!

1 comment:

  1. Regarding the weight - just relax these first 6 weeks and enjoy your baby. Once 6 weeks hits and you can start working out a little, you can tackle that last 10 pounds. But give yourself a little break right now! :)
