Wednesday, April 6, 2011

2 week check-up!

Today was Brynn's 2-week doctor's appointment.  I took a picture of little Miss Priss getting ready to go because it was the first day that we have actually "dressed up" and not put on a onesie here at the house.  I'll upload it when Ryan is home because I'm a little techologically challenged and need his help with the new camera.

Thankfully my mom was not working today and could go with me.  I can't imagine getting ready for the first time out of the house without someone helping.  I had her carseat, diaper bag, my purse, etc. Wow...going out is never going to be the same again, but I love it! =)

Brynn did GREAT at the doctor...I was worried she would be fussy and scream and cry the whole time, but she did awesome!  She weighed in at 7 pounds, 12 ounces, which is an entire pound more than her birth weight (6 pounds, 11 ounches) and she measured an inch longer.  WOW!  I was just hoping she would be back to her birth weight!  Dr. Hoffman said she is doing great...although she may have either pink eye or a clogged tear duct (her eyes have been getting matted).  We got her first prescription...eye funny!  Then we stopped by Ryan's workplace since we were right at the hospital.  Dr. H still doesn't want us to go to really public places for another 2 weeks (Wal-Mart, church nursery, etc.) but said we could stop by Daddy's work.  I think Ryan was so proud when we came in, and everyone oohed and ahhed over her (and said "her bow is bigger than she is" about 20 times! HA!)  She was just sleeping but still looked so cute!
I can't imagine what she is going to look like when we go for the next appointment at 2 months!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Ms. Priss is really Ms. Piggy! :) This may sound weird, but squirting breastmilk in her eye will clear it up faster than the eye drops will.
