I know we are biased, but I think she is just about the cutest 1 month old EVER! I can't kiss this little face enough! |
WOW...what a change this month has brought! Being parents has been the biggest life change we have ever experienced, but one we wouldn't trade for the world. I have to be honest...I think the first month is tough. Ryan and I were talking at dinner the other night and both said that we think we have adjusted really well, but that there just isn't a way to prepare for being first time parents. The first week or so we were scared to death...could hardly leave her out of our sight, I cried at the sight of her...just how little and precious she was, etc. By the end of the first month I feel like we are really getting the swing of things. It is so exciting to think about what the future months will hold! But...not to get carried away by the future...(I try to pray everyday that God would help me enjoy every moment...the diaper changes, nursing, etc.) here are some wonderful things from this first month with God's amazing gift to us...Brynn Elise Bandermann! Oh little Brynn...
- We have started calling you Brynny and Brynny-bear. Ansley calls you Baby Ben (that's how it sounds when she says Brynn) so we sometimes refer to you as Ben. Pamaw says she is going to have to start calling you by your REAL name so that Ansley learns how to say it the right way! HA!
- We are using Babywise to get you on a schedule and help you with sleeping. (For those of you who HATE Babywise...don't hate us...we know it definitely isn't for everyone, it has just been wonderful for us). We are getting up every morning at 7, and nursing and 7, 10, 1, 4, 7, and 10. The first couple of weeks you also nursed at 1 and 4 in the morning...but after about 3 weeks you went past the 1 am and nursed just about one time in the middle of the night. By the end of one month we would nurse you at 10pm and put you down to sleep and you would wake up around 5am...we would give you a quick feeding and you would go back down until 7. Knock on wood, but you have been sleeping really well and going down for your naps easily.
- Nighttimes are your fussiest times. Sometimes you don't like to go down after your 7 pm feeding, and the first couple of weeks you had trouble going down at 10 too. The swing was our lifesaver a few times...it put you right to sleep, thank goodness! We just slept out on the couch until you woke up. =)
- We love to watch you stretch each time you wake up. We unzip your swaddle blanket (we swaddle you everytime you sleep) and you hold out your arms and scrunch up your face...it is adorable. We videoed you because it is so cute!
- You really like to get your bath from daddy. But we have to make sure the water is warm enough...you don't want to be cold. You LOVE to have your hair shampooed...you just lay there so content while we pour the warm water on your hair. And of course you look adorable in your hooded towels afterward.
- We think that after one month you weigh about 9 pounds, so you have gained almost 2 and a half pounds. You have gone through a billion diapers!
- You had either pink eye or a clogged tear duct when we went for your 2-week check up. We got drops for you and they took care of it.
- Thankfully you have taken a bottle a few times (of pumped breast milk)! This makes me SO HAPPY because I know that if I wanted to go see a movie with friends or needed to be gone during a feeding time then you would be fine. Daddy likes to give you a bottle because he gets to spend some time with you!
- You have survived some HORRIBLE spring weather...we have been in the basement during tornado warnings 3 TIMES this first month! WAY TO GO! If you can sleep through these thunderstorms you should be on your way...although when you get older if you want to come and snuggle in bed with mommy then that would be FINE WITH ME! =)
- We love you SO MUCH!
Cute post Whitney!!! She is so so adorable. :)
ReplyDeletecan't believe it's already been a month--time flies! and this is so special to write down these memories :)