Ryan got some exciting news last night!! You guys know he loves to work out...mostly long-distance running and training for triathalons. Ryan, his brother Jason, and their friend Aaron have been wanting to run the New York City marathon, but so many people want to run it that you actually have to "win" a "lottery" and get randomly chosen to run it. To make a long story short, they are IN! All 3 of the boys get to run the marathon, which is at the beginning of November! We can't wait to go to New York City again, and this time I get to watch him run one of the biggest and best marathons in the world! I went to NYC in college with my best friends on a road trip, and then Ryan and I went together twice for a work thing I had, and we really love the city! It is SO DIFFERENT from our life but is such an incredible place! This time though, I have no WORK and all PLAY! I don't even have to run...I just get to sight-see and enjoy myself! I've already started thinking about all the things I want to go do...try to watch a talk show, go to another Broadway show, shop for knock-off purses, etc. I am a dork I know...I love making lists of all these things and then planning out when we should do them! HAHA! I love to watch several reality shows based in NYC like Bethenny Ever After, the Real Housewives of NYC, and Selling New York (on HGTV)...maybe I'll go visit places from the shows. =) I've also never been at this time of year, and I'm really hoping that some Christmas decorations will be up. Wouldn't that be AWESOME!
To get us in the celebratory New York mode, here are some pics from the last time we were in NYC...last February.
Last time we took a tour of Central Park. It was SO COLD and snowy and we didn't want to walk around the park, so we took one of these covered bicycle tours with a guide. It was SO fun! |
My sister went with us in February. Ryan headed off to explore on his own and Lindsey and I hit up the ridiculously expensive department stores...like $2000 a shirt. We definitely didn't fit in, but we didn't care! |
When I was working at my education thing, Ryan and Lindsey took the day to explore. Here they are in front of the Statue of Liberty. |
Times Square at night! Ryan's brother also came to NYC and we met him for dinner at a pizza place in the theater district. Then we headed off to see the Broadway show "In the Heights" which was SO GOOD! |
"In the Heights" had a special "guest" star. The main character was being played by Corbin Bleu. Does he look familiar to you? He was in "High School Musical." After the shows the actors come out and we stood in line like morons to take a picture with him.
NEW YORK CITY HERE WE COME! (Now I just have to get used to Ryan's annoying alarm clock going off at 5 AM for him to train! ) AHH! |