A couple of weeks ago we got the girls pictures taken...here are a couple we ordered for Brynn's THREE year-old pictures! (And the one for my Facebook cover photo at the end has another one of Brynn that I just LOVE but I don't have it yet to put on my blog.)
We asked her some questions for a special "three year" interview and this is what she said.
- What is your name? "Brynn Elise Bandermann" (sounds like Bwynn Eweese Bannermann)
- How old are you? "3"
- What are your nicknames (I had to explain what that meant). "Brynn Elise Bandermann". (Clearly she didn't understand my explanation of what a nickname is). Then we kept talking about it and she said "Brynny Boo and Brynny Bear" (and we also call her Brynny probably more than her real name)
- What is your favorite color? "teal and purple"
- What is your favorite animals? "panda bear" (???)
- What is your favorite book? "nufing" ("you love to read books, what books are your favorite?" "I don't know...nufing!" (Arg!!!!!)
- What is your favorite TV show? "Sofia and Doc"
- What is your favorite movie? "Frozen"
- What is your favorite song? "Frozen" (Let It Go)
- What is your favorite food? "chicken nuggets and mac and cheese"
- What is your favorite drink? "apple juice"
- What is your favorite snack? "snacks"
- What is your favorite game? "hide and seek"
- What is your favorite toy? "slinky" (I don't think we even own a slinky!!!???)
- Who are your best friends? "Millie, Scarlett, and Jo Jo"
- What is your favorite thing to do? "chalk" (aka sidewalk chalk)
- What do you like to sleep with at night? "nufing" (her special blankets, her special baby, and a host of stuffed animals)
- What is your favorite place to go? "Chick-IL-A"
- What is your favorite restaurant? "Chick-IL-A"
- Where do you want to go on vacation? "What?" (I said "remember, we are going to the beach this summer??") "OH."
- What do you want to be when you grow up? "a mommy."
Whitney, I took a picture of a Lamb shaped cookie at the Golden Lamb Inn. I will show you or email ou when my modum is fixed. It was $4.99!!!!!! I bet it wasn't nearly as as good as yours.